Hippo Tang randomly being erratic and twitching


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Just noticed today my hippo tang that I’ve had for over a year and was quarantined just like all my other fish, has been acting erratic and twitching for a few seconds after acting erratic and then it returns to normal for a little while than back to erratic and twitching, then back to normal. Its eating, nothing new has been added to the tank in 7 or 8 months which was just a single coral that was dipped in Red Sea coral dip prior to adding. Is the hippo tang just having a weird hippo tang moment or could it be something else? I will say outside of feeding the tank the last 4 weeks, I haven’t paid much attention to it due to one of my dogs ending up with a brain tumor and having to be put down this past week. So today is the first time I’ve really spent much time paying attention to the tank outside of feeding the fish twice a day and corals each night and my daily nightly 5 gallon water changes. My nutrients have always been high(nitrates in the 50-70 range and phosphates .3-.4 range) but the corals have always shown continued growth and never any signs of issues from the fish so I never really worried much about it, and none of my other fish currently are acting strangely.

Hopefully the 40 second videos you can see what I’m talking about. It might look like him pecking at the front glass but that’s actually the twitching behavior I’m talking about

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Reef Wizard

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Can you get a closer video under white lighting with the breathing?

Is the fish discolored at all on its skin?

To me shaking like that is irritation from something. such as flukes or something

Jay Hemdal

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It looks a little "spastic" to me, but that isn't really a sign of an infectious disease - it could be some underlying fish feud going on here - i did see a minor interaction with the other tang.


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I am so very sorry for the loss of your family member. In the last 3 weeks we have had to put our 14 yr old yellow Lab and our 16 yr old
Kitty to sleep from old age complications. I’m just now able to enjoy watching our fish “family”.
Our 12-14 yr old Regal Tang not only acts like yours, but will hang vertical, dash around like “dog Zoomies” breach the surface and practically knock the Formula Two jar or my turkey baster out of my hand. This behavior is his “baseline normal”. He’ll pull some new moves when my Sailfin tries to bully him, then they both pull the zoomies tail to tail like a tango.
I do see an occasional “rug Burn” as Vetteguy refers to on his black palette, but usually gone in a day or so. The only Tang that scalps and will slice is when they Pi@@@.
Off the Yellow Tang and he gets involved.
Sorry can’t help about fish but am soo very sorry about your dog


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Sorry guys for not responding to your replies, it’s been a rough and hectic month for me, I truly appreciate the comments. The hippo tang seems to be doing fine, just never noticed that behavior that night before and was a bit concerned. But now however many days later he’s been perfectly fine and eating. So I’m assuming it was just a case of zoomies or something irritated him briefly that night. Because nothing else has been acting that way, and nothing has been added new to my tank in over 7-8 months. Thank you guys for the responses.