So I want to bump my PAR up. I have a mixed reef. LPS on the bottom half, SPS upper half. I’m barely meeting minimum PAR requirements for my corals. With 3 AI Primes over 4’ tank, I’m estimating (off research) that I’m reaching Max PAR of 150 and 50 PAR at the sand. I have a par meter and new powerful lights coming in Monday. If my estimation ends up being correct and I want to bump my PAR up, how do I safely do it and how do I find out how much I can push my PAR without killing anything? Do I raise intensity like 5% every other week until I start seeing bad results and then back off? Or can I increase a spot that is currently at 100 PAR to 2-300 PAR instantly? Is it easy to bleach corals? Does it happen overnight? Or over a few days? Is it something I can notice and reduce/relocate immediately? How can I raise my PAR to max potential while still keeping everyone happy? I understand I might have to relocate corals to more shaded areas and that’s ok. But I do want to get as much PAR as I can at the top.