I've never used Apex but I've watched enough videos on it. So take my opinion with a grain of salt. But I do find hydros lineup fine. But this is coming from someone who just started. So for those who joined early on. I can see your frustration with how the products have been released.
But I believe what hydros wants to achieve is just that with their lineup. Tons of options for someone and not strictly you need x controller and everything is extras. And it may not suit everyone's needs. Everything that I have bought has worked out the box (minus PH probe). I found the UI simple and easy to configure. Apex is way more advanced from what seen and their product line is easily understood what is required.
But I believe what hydros wants to achieve is just that with their lineup. Tons of options for someone and not strictly you need x controller and everything is extras. And it may not suit everyone's needs. Everything that I have bought has worked out the box (minus PH probe). I found the UI simple and easy to configure. Apex is way more advanced from what seen and their product line is easily understood what is required.