Hey guys
So I’ve been dosing afr now for 3 months or so and icps come back 0 on most traces so I now dose a and k in addition to boost traces
I hooked up a ph monitor and was disappointed by the 8.0 result which is probably due to the vodka dosing because everything else to gain higher ph is done
So I see quite a few dose kalk in addition to their afr but I don’t want calcium going through the roof
Is soda ash a good alternative ?
Current stats are kh 9.3 , calcium 440 and mag 1300
I’m thinking of adding kalk/soda ash to raise it to 10 hoping I’ll get the boost but will this work?
So I’ve been dosing afr now for 3 months or so and icps come back 0 on most traces so I now dose a and k in addition to boost traces
I hooked up a ph monitor and was disappointed by the 8.0 result which is probably due to the vodka dosing because everything else to gain higher ph is done
So I see quite a few dose kalk in addition to their afr but I don’t want calcium going through the roof
Is soda ash a good alternative ?
Current stats are kh 9.3 , calcium 440 and mag 1300
I’m thinking of adding kalk/soda ash to raise it to 10 hoping I’ll get the boost but will this work?