Hey all, first post here so apologies if I'm not in the right place.
Up until Friday of last week my 150 reef tank was running smoothly. It has been up and running for around 3 years.
All fish and corals seemed happy and healthy. However, sometime Friday after I got home I noticed almost all of my corals showing signs of distress. Bubble tip anemones are closed up as well as my one rock flower. Xenia is all withdrawn and starting to melt (I've been removing pieces to keep them from breaking down in the water). Toadstools are closed or barely open. The tank also smells bad now. Never had a smell before at all.
This is from today. Zoas are all still closed, Xenia is still melting, GSP is the only thing happy for the most part. Fish all still seem fine. No heavy breathing or anything out of the ordinary that I can tell at this point.
I had my water tested at my LFS on 12/29 and the results are below:
Salinity - 1.026
Alk - 5.87 (tested again this morning and it's up to 6.8 or so)
PH - 7.7
Phos - 0.3
Cal - 382
Mag - 1347
Ammo - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
Any ideas what could have caused the sudden issues and bottomed out nitrates? I know the Alk and PH are low and I'm working to bring that up with a buffer. Phosphate is too high which I guess along with the nitrate is causing the outbreak of algae. The only change I had done was cleaning out the skimmer cup. Water changes are done every 2 weeks. I have a relatively light bio-load still at this point. Scopas tang, Whitetail Bristletooth, 2 Ocellaris Clowns, Sixline Wrasse, Engineer Goby, plus cleanup crew (snails, 2 conchs, hermits, sand sifting starfish). I've tried to feed extra to bring up nitrates along with correcting the Alk/PH issue but I'm worried I'm making things worse.
I could really use some advice and help here as this is the first time I've had any major issues with this tank and I feel like I'm not making any progress to right the ship.
Up until Friday of last week my 150 reef tank was running smoothly. It has been up and running for around 3 years.
All fish and corals seemed happy and healthy. However, sometime Friday after I got home I noticed almost all of my corals showing signs of distress. Bubble tip anemones are closed up as well as my one rock flower. Xenia is all withdrawn and starting to melt (I've been removing pieces to keep them from breaking down in the water). Toadstools are closed or barely open. The tank also smells bad now. Never had a smell before at all.
This is from today. Zoas are all still closed, Xenia is still melting, GSP is the only thing happy for the most part. Fish all still seem fine. No heavy breathing or anything out of the ordinary that I can tell at this point.
I had my water tested at my LFS on 12/29 and the results are below:
Salinity - 1.026
Alk - 5.87 (tested again this morning and it's up to 6.8 or so)
PH - 7.7
Phos - 0.3
Cal - 382
Mag - 1347
Ammo - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
Any ideas what could have caused the sudden issues and bottomed out nitrates? I know the Alk and PH are low and I'm working to bring that up with a buffer. Phosphate is too high which I guess along with the nitrate is causing the outbreak of algae. The only change I had done was cleaning out the skimmer cup. Water changes are done every 2 weeks. I have a relatively light bio-load still at this point. Scopas tang, Whitetail Bristletooth, 2 Ocellaris Clowns, Sixline Wrasse, Engineer Goby, plus cleanup crew (snails, 2 conchs, hermits, sand sifting starfish). I've tried to feed extra to bring up nitrates along with correcting the Alk/PH issue but I'm worried I'm making things worse.
I could really use some advice and help here as this is the first time I've had any major issues with this tank and I feel like I'm not making any progress to right the ship.