First thing first, No pictures due to my basic point and shoot camera and lack of a good zoom.
I was moving frags around in my tank today to put them in their new homes and noticed a strange "bug". These bugs were on the bottom of a frag disk on my sand bed. At first, I thought flatworms, greattttttt! So I did a freshwater dip trying to kill the little b's. The fw dip worked after about 5 minutes. On a closer inspection of a living one, I noticed these things had what looked like legs underneath them. Also with my unscientific touch test, these things felt like they had a shell like some kind of pod. I think these things are isopods.
So questions now.
What eats em? Will they harm corals? What are your experiences with them?
I was moving frags around in my tank today to put them in their new homes and noticed a strange "bug". These bugs were on the bottom of a frag disk on my sand bed. At first, I thought flatworms, greattttttt! So I did a freshwater dip trying to kill the little b's. The fw dip worked after about 5 minutes. On a closer inspection of a living one, I noticed these things had what looked like legs underneath them. Also with my unscientific touch test, these things felt like they had a shell like some kind of pod. I think these things are isopods.
So questions now.
What eats em? Will they harm corals? What are your experiences with them?