Kenya tree or finger leather!?


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Don't feel bad these ppl come out the woodwork to slap someones hand.

Just don't use the emergency tag anymore....

...without the look at me cool guys jumping in to be a babysitter on a reef forum..... Gl bro!
Sorry that you feel so much angst toward people trying to help. Maybe Tomorrow will be a better day :)
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Sorry are you here to help or just be redundant?

Apparently an emergency is in the eye of the beholder apparently it’s like art. interesting .
I think the splitting tree might be trying to colonize your tank in an asexual manner?

This would potentially make this issue an emergency because the trees spreading and growing could threaten the living space for the other corals and possibly the fish in the tank.

@BeanAnimal - I would modify your McNugget analogy to indicate that you ordered a 3 pc but when you opened the bag it was crammed full of Kenya tree McNuggets, but no sauces! I hate when that happens. :cool:

Forgot to mention that it was part of a Happy Meal


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Not an emergency....
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In the kindest way, this is not an emergency as defined by the Reef2Reef. They (and the rest of us) would prefer it be used as intended, not because somebody wants fast answers about something that that is not actually the type of "emergency" that it was designed for. Two of us have kindly tried to explain that to you.

This is not an emergency. Kenya trees reproduce by shedding their branches. The shed branches float around and take root somewhere else in the tank.

Also - corals perish and sometimes we don't have answers, especially if the rest of the system is doing well. Kenya Tree, leathers and other soft corals can become unhappy for various reasons. Without specific details about your system, how long the coral has been there, new additions, water parameters, etc. None of us can guess what may lead to a corals demise.
Your comment was worth responding to. This is a forum for help and guidance. I’m not a child and I don’t need to be reprimanded for god sakes for seeking help which is the purpose of this forum for the most part.

Frankly I’m insulted by many of the comments.

The redundancy of posters here is annoying frankly. One person already explained the emergency usage. I don’t need 15 others coming at me doing the same.
Of course I’m going to try and explain my reasoning isn’t that my right to do so?


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I think the splitting tree might be trying to colonize your tank in an asexual manner?

This would potentially make this issue an emergency because the trees spreading and growing could threaten the living space for the other corals and possibly the fish in the tank.

@BeanAnimal - I would modify your McNugget analogy to indicate that you ordered a 3 pc but when you opened the bag it was crammed full of Kenya tree McNuggets, but no sauces! I hate when that happens. :cool:

Forgot to mention that it was part of a Happy Meal
Thank you for saying this because I was very confused what was going on. I read they can branch off but this was like very very very excessive to the point I have small pieces all over that still open and close.


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Kenya tree will grow in toilet water with the kitchen light on.... I'd keep a close eye on ur other livestock. Brown slime is a concern for sure.
Don't feel bad these ppl come out the woodwork to slap someones hand. Just don't use the emergency tag anymore. There r a couple ppl on here u can tag and get the same results without the look at me cool guys jumping in to be a babysitter on a reef forum..... Gl bro!
Thank you for the support here. Maybe it’s not an emergency in the eyes of everyone but to me it was because I need to know what is going on, why, how common this issue is and how to prevent it from happening to my other corals especially of the same species.

People are miserable and want to fight and frankly I think it’s childish and petty.


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@BeanAnimal - I would modify your McNugget analogy to indicate that you ordered a 3 pc but when you opened the bag it was crammed full of Kenya tree McNuggets, but no sauces! I hate when that happens. :cool:

Forgot to mention that it was part of a Happy Meal
I have never once been blessed with an extra nugget, especially not a chic-fil-a nugget. Shorted a few times, but never blessed.


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I have never once been blessed with an extra nugget, especially not a chic-fil-a nugget. Shorted a few times, but never blessed.
Obviously God is punishing you for some secret sin perhaps not being sympathetic enough towards the less fortunate reefers who shun your suggestions and knowledge gathered in your lifetime of experience engaging with the addiction and fascination of confined reef establishment and functioning?

I have almost finished lunch

And I’m frankly exhausted from watching Gone With the Wind last night.


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Your comment was worth responding to. This is a forum for help and guidance. I’m not a child and I don’t need to be reprimanded for god sakes for seeking help which is the purpose of this forum for the most part.

Frankly I’m insulted by many of the comments.

The redundancy of posters here is annoying frankly. One person already explained the emergency usage. I don’t need 15 others coming at me doing the same.
Of course I’m going to try and explain my reasoning isn’t that my right to do so?

I thinknthe reason for so many people mentioming this is not an emergency and pushing the reasoning is because you stated you did not care and it is an emergency to you. Showing a lack of concern for anyone and insulting people offering their time to help you.


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I thinknthe reason for so many people mentioming this is not an emergency and pushing the reasoning is because you stated you did not care and it is an emergency to you. Showing a lack of concern for anyone and insulting people offering their time to help you.
Don't forget he said it was because he was very very sad. That was the kicker for me. I guess I should have been more compassionate and understanding. Maybe a little coddling thrown into the mix. I think it's another generation mentality me me thought process but I'm just a grumpy old man.

Bitter old man

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Don't forget he said it was because he was very very sad. That was the kicker for me. I guess I should have been more compassionate and understanding. Maybe a little coddling thrown into the mix. I think it's another generation mentality me me thought process but I'm just a grumpy old man.
100% this!


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Well this was an interesting readthrough…

To answer your initial question—this appears to be a sinularia leather based on your first picture, though the second pic could be a Kenya tree. Kenya trees tend to have shorter, fuzzier branches than sinularia.
In both cases, they tend to have periods of decline as well as periods of growth, and will occasionally shed branches to reproduce. While falling apart to reproduce is far more frequent for a Kenya tree, it is not unheard of for other leather corals. If this is the only coral of yours that has receded like this, I would say that it is likely going through a shedding or reproductive process rather than dying. I recommend that you post the parameters so we can better determine whether there is a bigger issue. The second image looks like it may be a little bleached, which would indicate nutrient deficiencies. Because describing parameters as “perfect” can be subjective, providing actual numbers will help us give better advice.

Apologies if anyone seemed a little abrasive—I think for the most part people were just trying to give you a heads up for how the Emergency tag should be used. I’m sorry to hear that your coral melted back. I’ve been there and it’s not a great feeling.
However, the emergency tag is usually utilized when someone is experiencing mass die-off in their tanks or needs to quickly identify a fast-acting disease. The tag is especially important to us Fish Medics and other experts, as it helps us easily identify an emergency and offer a quick solution. Your initial post was asking to identify whether the coral was a Kenya tree or a sinularia. That is not an emergency, that is a simple question with a simple answer. Had you provided all the information including the fact that it was melting back in your initial post, then it may have been treated more as an emergency. Misusing the Emergency tag can be extremely frustrating for those trying to filter out urgent matters from non-urgent ones, and seeing simple questions labeled with this tag can be distracting. General questions like these are better off being open to general discussion.

Also, be sure to keep that sinularia/tree coral away from other corals. In my experience, sinularia can grow fast and outcompete neighboring corals, especially SPS and non-stinging LPS! I hope this helps.
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Welcome to R2R. I removed the emergency tag as coral identification doesn’t fall into the emergency category. Very glad you’re concerned about your coral though! :)

To everyone else. If you see that a thread doesn’t meet the requirement for the emergency tag please report it and let the staff handle it. I know you mean well but a few of the responses to the OP should have been worded better to be more in line with our TOS.

Let please get back on topic. :)

Thank you.


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I thinknthe reason for so many people mentioming this is not an emergency and pushing the reasoning is because you stated you did not care and it is an emergency to you. Showing a lack of concern for anyone and insulting people offering their time to help you.
I do care if people are offering me advice and not chiming in to complain that this isn’t an “emergency post”. Let’s be very clear here thanks.

If you’re offering advice THANK YOU I’m all ears. If you’re here to complain and be redundant about whether or not this is or isn’t an “emergency post” bugger off.


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Welcome to R2R. I removed the emergency tag as coral identification doesn’t fall into the emergency category. Very glad you’re concerned about your coral though! :)

To everyone else. If you see that a thread doesn’t meet the requirement for the emergency tag please report it and let the staff handle it. I know you mean well but a few of the responses to the OP should have been worded better to be more in line with our TOS.

Let please get back on topic. :)

Thank you.
Where would I find what would and wouldn’t qualify as “an emergency post”?

The post wasn’t merely coral identification it was about keeping a coral alive after the demise of another. To me that constitutes a valid emergency as to me the information was urgent.

Sorry you don’t feel the same way I did about this very issue.

I was very annoyed by many of the posts that were redundant and off topic as you’ve pointed out. I was shocked by how many people could be so unhelpful and take this so personally when I’m the one with the dead and dismembered coral.

Perhaps a PM reminding them of how to communicate with others would suffice? I’m sure that’s not how you’d want this community to communicate to others in need of help and whom are feeling rather desperate for help.

Thanks again.