No where on that container does it say “miracle” mud. If I remember correctly Ecosystem Aquarium Miracle Mud a product and system developed by Leng Sy, was out before any other mud was used as a refugium substrate. I have been using the original and patented “Miracle Mud “ since 1998, and still using it with great success. I use it precisely as stated on Ecosystem Aquarium site, sump size, flow through rate, and right amount of mud. What I don’t do is change out half as often as it states, I think every 2 years. I do grow macro algaes, started with caulerpas back then, and then came chaetomorpha, which doesn’t go asexual and doesn’t root into the mud. I find that my refugiums do contain large populations of amphipods, copepods, and even mysis shrimp. For this purpose, I know it works. But why stop there, the benefit of macro algaes to control nutrients is the main reason for a refugium imho.