Natural light spectrum.. Why do we use these so much blue lights?

Blue spectrum or not..

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Mar 18, 2019
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I’ve seen your post; you have knowledge and experience with lighting but the whole LED “white channel” /“blue channel” thing along with “color temperature” has driven a LOT of lighting misunderstandings amongst the post T5/LED generation

For instance you can make white by adding colors… it’s a composite so to speak and “color temperature” is more of a look not a energy level/spectrum thing ( that’s obviously aside from the black body definition). anyway …..
Algea will grow with blue light no problem. Red light helps algea reproduce. It's just a myth that algea won't grow in full blues. You just don't see it as easily in full blue
I’ve said this more than once and IMHO lowering “white” is akin to painting your walls brown to solve a roach infestation…
… basically your ROOT problem is a water issue and for someone from the Halide epoch this is a whitewash thing and a unnecessary shortcut …
I love your tank - one thing I noticed is you run full T5. For whatever reason, I find my coral love my T5 whiter bulbs but get absolutely nuked if I raise the white on my LEDs. There seems to be some kind of difference.
I noticed this also .. it is weird … similar to alkalinity swings: sorta Ok if it’s from a H2O change, not OK when dosing

BTW corals grow under 4800K Halides, and 5500k halides just fine as long as you don’t mind brown ( no telling how much blue energy is embedded in the spectrum

BTW blue has more energy and penetrates water
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