So my tanks been running with a couple clowns, snails, hermits and a pair of urchins for like 8 monthes (4 months without new additions). Got a bi color blenny but he had constantly and eventually disappeared... I have no clue what got him because if you fed the tank and hid you would see him but not well enough to see if he was malnourished or not... that was 4 or 5 months ago. Since then no casualties but my 120g tank looks really sad and empty. i have a fire shrimp in qt right now and I'm setting up a coral frag tank soon. I always see people posting stocking lists... is the general consensus that stocking lists help the final outcome or that some people are just hyper organized and like lists? All I know is i have 2 clownfish that have had a 120g tank to themselves for like 8 months and that needs to change.