New Reefer Waterbox Marine X 110.4 Mixed Reef


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I’m starting my first reef tank after having a FOWLR tank in high school, an undisclosed very long time ago. I love the beauty of saltwater fish and corals and the idea of growing skills, learning, and improving. It's in my basement next to my desk, so I can enjoy its ambiance on the days I'm working from home.
  • Goal: LPS/softy dominant mixed reef with potential for a few easier SPS corals
  • Tank: looked for a 4-foot rectangular, no more than 20" front to back, white cabinet - roughly the biggest tank I could do that would also meet spouse approval.
  • Waterbox Marine X 110.4 (79.6G display, 105.3G total) - chosen for WB reputation, sale price, and 20" front-to-back dimension
  • Return pump: Sicce SDC 6 currently running at 70%
  • Skimmer: Bubble Magus Curve Elite 5
  • Flow: 2x AI Nero 5s, 2x Jebao SLW-30s for varied flow options from sides and back glass
  • Battery backup: EcoFlow River 2 with one of the Neros plugged into it full time
  • Heating: Inkbird controller with 2x BRS 300W titanium heaters for redundancy
  • Lighting: 2x AI Blade Grow, 1x AI Blade Glow - selected for value and based on success seen in other tanks
  • ATO: Tunze Osmolator 3
  • RO/DI and mixing: BRS 5-stage with Smart Buddie Booster for quality water production. Didn’t have a good place to permanently mount it, so I put it in a small plastic cabinet I can wheel to the sink and so far that is working incredibly well. Have an extra Jebao SOW-20 pump and Eheim Jager 300W heater for mixing/heating fresh saltwater in Brute cans
  • BRS universal CO2 scrubber & media, anticipating this will be good with a house full of people
  • Controllers: not really a controller but have everything plugged into 2 TP-Link KASA power strips for smart features like easy on/off, timers, and power usage.
  • Organization: 1 Waterbox control board that came with the tank and 1 standard Adaptive Reef control board


  • Marco Rock: 40 lbs foundation, 40 lbs hybrid, 40 lbs Reef Saver - intentionally over-purchased for selection variety and each came pre-packaged as 40lb box. The foundation rock was awesome and made things easier.
  • Design goals: multiple levels for coral placement, fish hiding spots, ample room for water flow and glass cleaning, following rule of thirds for aesthetic appeal, leave 1/3 of display height for growth
  • Substrate: Mix of CaribSea Arag Alive and Tampa Bay Saltwater live sand (arriving soon) to balance benefits of dry and live rock approaches



Water & Maintenance
  • Salts: Waterbox Reef Salt (came with tank) and Reef Crystals (on sale), which I’m using now for cycling. Not sure what I will use long term.
  • Cycling: Using Dr. Tim's One and Only at lower salinity and higher temperature to expedite process.
  • Testing: Mix of Hanna Checkers and various test kits for comprehensive parameter monitoring.
  • Future dosing: Considering Tropic Marin All For Reef for simplicity in maintaining water chemistry, though I will see what the tank needs as I add fish and corals.
Planned Livestock
  • Focus: Soft and LPS corals, with room for SPS experimentation
  • Potential corals: zoanthids, lithophyllon, fungia, other chalices, favia, rhodactis, frogspawn, hammers, torches. Please share your favorites
  • Fish: Planning for utilitarian species that complement the reef environment, added in batches: 1) Orange Ocellaris pair; 2) Small bristletooth tang (tomini, kole, or white tail), Lawnmower or Striped blenny, Diamond goby, Melanurus wrasse; 3) Flame hawkfish, Royal gramma, Banggai cardinal pair, Aiptasia eating filefish
Progress & Challenges
  • Really helped to buy equipment over a few months to manage costs with sales and have time to research options. I learned that every week there is a new sale and to check all the retailers, though I mostly steer clear of Amazon. Everything but the tank was on sale at least 15%, usually more, which helps my delusion that I am budgeting well.
  • Encountered stand assembly issues (wobble), successfully resolved with helpful support and extra parts from Waterbox. Was also frustrating to level.
  • Aquascaping was fun but TBD if I met my goals. I am a little concerned I don’t have enough separate pieces if I ever need to remove them since the 2 XL scapes were pretty heavy, or enough small standalone pieces to isolate fast-growing coral, or that I might have some low-flow traps. While building the scape the 20” front-to-back distance felt a little narrow and the internal overflow presented some challenges.
  • Currently in cycling phase and it’s going well, monitoring parameters closely.
  • BONUS: I also started a 10g Aqueon nano tank with leftover rock and sand, a Tunze Comline 3162, Eheim Jager heater, Hydor Koralia Nano wavemaker, and Noo-Psyche K7 mini. Also currently cycling, I plan to keep this as a fishless QT observation system for inverts and post-dip corals.
  • Next step: Planning to introduce some pods and first invertebrates after cycle completion.
Fishless QT Tank:

Future Plans
  • Complete cycling process, ensuring stable water parameters.
  • Introduce pods and first invertebrates to establish clean-up crew, dosing phyto and making snello or other foods for the inverts if needed.
  • Since no fish are currently in the display tank, I might add the first batch of inverts directly without QT. Will leave the tanks fishless for either 6 weeks at 80.6 or 11 weeks at 78 before adding fish to play it safe -- haven't decided yet.
  • Gradually add corals and fish as the system stabilizes, starting with hardier species. Planning to buy quarantined fish, then keep them in separate observation tank for a couple of weeks just in case (either a storage bin with an air bubbler and frequent water changes, or maybe pick up a 20g long tank and HOB or something).
  • Continue the ongoing learning process!
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Live sand arrived and went into the tank earlier this week. Looked like it had some cerith snail and lancelet hitchhikers but I haven't seen them for several days. Maybe I will see them again. Still letting everything settle with lights off, probably at least until I get back from RAP California. Turned them on for 1 min to take a couple of photos.

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Live sand arrived and went into the tank earlier this week. Looked like it had some cerith snail and lancelet hitchhikers but I haven't seen them for several days. Maybe I will see them again. Still letting everything settle with lights off, probably at least until I get back from RAP California. Turned them on for 1 min to take a couple of photos.

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How much of live sand have you added and had water been cloudy for long after you added live sand?


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I added 15lbs of live sand to 40lbs of bagged sand that had been cycling for about 3 weeks. I lowered it carefully to the existing sand and dumped it out, it was SUPER cloudy and murky. It settled a bit after a few hours, but didn’t completely clear until I put filter socks back in.

Gumbies R Us

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Live sand arrived and went into the tank earlier this week. Looked like it had some cerith snail and lancelet hitchhikers but I haven't seen them for several days. Maybe I will see them again. Still letting everything settle with lights off, probably at least until I get back from RAP California. Turned them on for 1 min to take a couple of photos.

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Aquascape looks great!


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Went to RAP California Sept 7-8, was pretty cool to see all the coral and equipment vendors. Didn't pick up any livestock, but did get some equipment. Highlights were being able to tell Dr. Tim in person that One and Only worked flawlessly for the initial cycle, see Ryan's Part 3 Perfect Troll Matrix presentation, and Q&A with Vic and Josh from WWC.

Still planning fishless systems for 11 weeks with inverts and test corals. Last week I came home and started a light schedule and added a handful of Astrea, Trochus, and Nassarius snails, as well as a couple of Emerald Crabs and a few hermit crabs. Also ordered a cleaner shrimp and a couple of peppermint shrimp, but the cleaner shrimp and one of the peppermint shrimp didn't survive shipping. I wasn't sure the other peppermint made it either but saw him come out last night and harass the zoa I added.

Yesterday I picked up a single polyp zoa and a blue/green ricordea from an LFS as a couple of test corals to add to the coral/invert QT. Zoa not looking great but did open this morning, we'll see if peppermint shrimp eats it. Tanks are still very new at 7 weeks.




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How did you attached the adaptive reef board to the stand? The cabinet panels are so thin (less then 1/4 inch), did you screw them in?


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How did you attached the adaptive reef board to the stand? The cabinet panels are so thin (less then 1/4 inch), did you screw them in?
I bought the wall cleat and screwed it in with shorter marine grade screws, and the control board hangs from it.

The small control board on the other side is from Waterbox and came with screws, directly screwed into the side panel.


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This is going to shape up into a really nice tank. I love your scape. I’m going to watch this build. We’re very close in the reef tank process. I’m still cycling.

Looking forward to following along. This is turning into a great system.


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Learning curve is in full force! Phosphate spiked up to 0.27 in the 10g QT tank. My Comline 3162 wasn't moving water and I put too many algae wafers and pellets in. I was worried about feeding crabs and nassarius since I don't have fish yet. A lot of algae showed up overnight and the zoa closed up and melted away. Tunze customer service is sending a new impeller for the Comline and I temporarily switched to a Fluval AquaClear 50 I had picked up in preparation for my fish quarantine.

Ricordea is puffy and looks happy, though it spewed a brown string from its mouth the other day. I read this is either stress or digestion, hoping it's the latter.

Did a couple of 50% water changes and stopped all feeding to bring down phosphate and also added a ChemiPure blue nano-size packet to the Fluval filter. Display tank is still doing great, creating just enough algae for the handful of snails. Fun to watch the nassarius snails zoom around the tank. The emerald crabs love hanging from the ledges.

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