Newbie here: A bit about me and what I have so far


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Personally, I can respect those who also keep it real no matter how painful the truth might be. I am a respectable person, give me the respect that is deserved and I will give you the respect that you also deserve. I'm looking for those couple of people who can school me in proper techniques of reef keeping. I am very (strike that) extremely new to the hobby and I am taking my time in fulfilling my personal reef quest goals. I am eager to learn. What I would prefer, not running across people within this group that give out false and incorrect information, so please I ask those would be trolls to have some respect and refrain from being a clown shoe. I realize it's hard but impress yourself by doing so. I'm very approachable I will respond and help if I can even shoot you an idea if the situation prescribes one. Thank you for taking the time to read what I had to say. Peace. Best regards, Rich

What I have so far:

A 60-gallon homemade cube.
20-gallon homemade refugium.

Eshopps Large overflow box...

Eshopps Protein Skimmer X-120...

Current USA OribitMarine ic led lighting and wave pump control
3 6005 model wave pumps 1 model 6010 return pump

1 Acke led Grow light for refugium

1 200 watt Aqueon submersible heater

Total power consumption on the low side 239 watts. Heater being a constant although it is not. Equates to 1.992 amps being drawn

On the high side running full bore 307 watts. Heater being a constant although it is not. Equates to2,558 amps

This is a 20 amp circuit.

All products listed above are DC

I am currently building a water changing station... Hoping it will be spectacular but anything is subject to change. :)


Retro Reefer

Slow and steady wins the race!
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Welcome to R2R! You will find this forum completely different than most.. no trolls, just people trying to help with their opinions and methods although these may vary wildly.


Peace River

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Welcome to R2R!!! It sounds like you have had some unfortunate experiences on forums in the past. I have found R2R and the R2R community to be a very different place. We’re glad you’re here! :)


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Welcome Rich! Your custom setup looks very good so far! I hope you learn a lot from the upcoming journey.

If you’re really new to it all, start reading about the nitrogen cycle first - this is the first step to starting the tank once water is in.

Nitrogen Cycle

What are your goals for the tank? Mixed reef? Fish only? If you’re going to have coral in there and if you want quicker growth, I would suggest a different light setup. I had the Orbit IC and my corals responded much more when I put a stronger LED fixture in. Seeing as you have some depth with your tank, I’m thinking maybe that light won’t penetrate down enough for to have adequate PAR.

Anyhow good luck - from a fellow newbie!


The ocean is open to all, merciful to none.
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Welcome to R2R, Rich!
You will find an enormous amount of solid and sound information as well as some very friendly folks here. Remember that the advice given is often given with a solid foundation and personal experience. Remember, as well, that everyone has a different tank and what may work for one person may not work for another. People may give advice, based on one or the other, sound foundation or personal experience, but ultimately it is your job to give as much detail, down to the very smallest bit of seeming minutia about your system to get better and more target advice. Then, research those suggestions. No magic bullets in reefing. Realize that most folks here have the best intentions, however rare their misguided approach seems. Exercise critical thinking and an open mind and you will glean immense amounts of knowledge here.