Looking to add a tang to our established 125. We had a PBT from Divers den one time and it thrived. Beautiful, healthy fish, but we couldn't add anything else to the tank. Complete terror.
We've tried 3 since at other shops and all 3 didn't make it. I know they're fairly difficult.
We also had an orange shoulder at one time that did incredibly well, but eventually sold it.
My wife loves PBTs, but now she also likes Convicts. Which would you choose, if either one? It would be the only tang in the tank. Thanks!
We've tried 3 since at other shops and all 3 didn't make it. I know they're fairly difficult.
We also had an orange shoulder at one time that did incredibly well, but eventually sold it.
My wife loves PBTs, but now she also likes Convicts. Which would you choose, if either one? It would be the only tang in the tank. Thanks!