So i decided to play devils advocate and I ordered some fish from Petco to stock my Biocube over the last 6 months. So far I have ordered, a red mandarin (this one is the most shocking, he eats flakes!), a yasha goby, 2 platinum percula clowns, a midas blenny and a firefish. ( I also ordered a snowflake eel and have him in a 40 long right now. He's doing absolutely fantastic, but i supplement thiamine) Every single fish has not had one fluke in a 5 minute freshwater bath and not one indictor of ick or any other disease. I do QT, they get a copper power 30 day and Prazi for another 7 but to be completely honest (no QT for the yasha or mandarin), I don't think they have needed it. Just thought I would share, ordering fish straight from Petco may be decent.