So I bought this 180 gallon tank and sump and he had another sump connected to it so the plumbing had to be completely redone. Two of the holes I’m using 3/4” returns and the other two drains tubing are 1.5” waiting for a 3/4 barbed bulkhead to come in for the returns. The lid that connects the drains to sump’s holes are too small and I don’t know how to connect the 1.5” hose to this lid.
Also the return is starting at 1.5” hosing with a t and converted into 3/4 would that be a problem?
I orinally had trouble finding a 3/4” barb that fit the 1.5” hole and bulkhead. I’ve never plumbed a tank before and it has been nothing but headaches.
Also the return is starting at 1.5” hosing with a t and converted into 3/4 would that be a problem?
I orinally had trouble finding a 3/4” barb that fit the 1.5” hole and bulkhead. I’ve never plumbed a tank before and it has been nothing but headaches.