Looking to see if anyone can explain this behavior or provide any insight.... I have a 13.5 gallon tank that's been running for 15 months. I've had a pair of black Ocellaris from nearly the beginning and RBTA for ~8 months. My Ocellaris have always been explorers but mainly stick to the back corner of the tank, underneath the return nozzle. I've tried taping pictures to the tank in order to coerce them into the anemone but it has not worked. Here recently, I read about someone using a flashlight at night to make the fish curious...well I tried this and huzzah, the fish slowly but surely began rubbing themselves on the anemone. But if I turn off the flashlight or wait long enough (30 minutes), they leave the area. I've been doing this method for 4 nights now and get the same results... I've always thought that as soon as the fish become interested and understand what they're working with, the bond would occur. They don't show this behavior with any other coral so it seems like they know what the anemone is, and they even enjoy it but they will not let it host it. During the daytime, they won't even hardly touch the RBTA, no matter how much I try and herd them towards it.... Attached is a video of them loving the anemone with the flashlight on. Anyone have any input on this behavior? Or what I can do to take this relationship to the next level lol