- Aquatop Recife ECO 40 Aquarium w/ Black Cabinet
- Aquatop Protein Skimmer
- AquaIllumination Orbit 2 and Nero 5
- Redsea ATO with 5 Gallon Reservoir
- inTank Media Basket
- inTank Filter Floss Holder
- Boyd Chemi Pure Blue, Bio Balls/Ceramic, Filter floss
- Jump guard screen cover
- Amazon G5 Light, Surge protector w/WiFi control, Auto fish feeder
- Marineland 200w Heater
- Instant Ocean Salt Mix
- Marco Rocks 30-40lbs put together with JB weld marine
- CaribSea Pink Live sand 25-30lbs
Testing / Maintenance:
- Amazon Magnet Cleaner, Glass scraper, Algae gloves, and a 100 count microfiber pack for OCD cleaning
- Hanna Marine Salinity, Calcium, Magnesium, and Ammonia tester kits
- 7 in 1 quick test strips
- IR Temperature gun
- Seachem Prime, Revive coral cleaner, Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter, Magnesion, Reef Code A and B.
- 6x Banded Trochus snails
- 2x Orange Lip Conch
- 2x Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish
- 1x Randalls Prawn Goby (hmmm shrimp or no shrimp that's the question)
- 3x Scissortail Dartfish
- 1x Flame Angelfish
- 1x Midas Blenny
- 2x Firefish goby
- 1x Baby Yellowtail Tamarin Wrasse
- Sunny D Zoa, Candy Cane (unsure of name), Acropora (unsure of name), and one frogspawn 11/29/24
- Indo Gold Torch and a mystery pack of 8 frags will be here next week 12/6/24
Salinity - 1.0254
pH - 8.2
Alkalinity* - 9 dKH
Calcium* - 480
Magnesium* - 1380 ppm
Coming from owning monster freshwater tanks for the past 10 years or so I'm really enjoying the saltwater life. The colors/variety available is simply unbelievable. The maintenance is a little bit more intensive regarding testing/balancing but nothing too bad. If you can pass lab class you will do just fine haha
I tried to put together a well rounded build that will last for 5 years at least!! Very happy with where the tank is headed. The current corals are doing amazing, although i need to start a list to keep track of the placement/care needs. It makes me happy to see the new fish finding their homes and loving life too!
Any advice or criticism welcomed! Looking to learn/grow as much as I can. I'm currently trying to figure out what's going on with the calcium, any help is appreciated. Next week going to bring a water sample to my local coral store to see what they think.
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