I decided to pull my royal gramma out of the display tank this afternoon. It has been VERY lethargic since I'd say around a month. It has been hiding in its hole between rocks, but I could see it daily. When it started hiding all day long, it started to show less and less interest in food. I observed many times that it tryed to catch a mysis shrimp passing by the opening of its hiding place, but it almost always failed to catch it (it missed the target and bit the water). It was a great eater and always out in the open before.
Gradually, over the last weeks, it became even more lethargic and skittish and completely lost interested in food. I did not see it eat for at least 2 weeks, but still it isn't that skinny.
Yesterday, I found him in a bottom corner of the tank. Not looking so bad, but still extremely lethargic and not eating. I decided to catch it today and move it to the coral qt tank while I setup the fish qt. Easiest catch of my life...
I can see some discoloration on its skin, but not that major at all. Eyes are clear and fins look Ok to me. Breathing rate is not fast at all, I'd even say it's pretty low. It was even lower in the display tank before catching it (like one breath every 2 seconds).
I have been thinking of flukes, but that is not probable IMO, from what I know. Every other fish in the tank is very healthy (no sign of disease, very good eaters, active, colorful, etc.). As I said, the breathing rate is not fast at all and I did not see the gramma dart or scratch itself. All fish were treated with copper and with praziquantel or hyposalinity before entering the display tank.
I'm asking for your help, please... What could the problem be ? Can I treat the fish ?
Here is a video of the fish, now in the qt tank.
Thank you in advance !
I decided to pull my royal gramma out of the display tank this afternoon. It has been VERY lethargic since I'd say around a month. It has been hiding in its hole between rocks, but I could see it daily. When it started hiding all day long, it started to show less and less interest in food. I observed many times that it tryed to catch a mysis shrimp passing by the opening of its hiding place, but it almost always failed to catch it (it missed the target and bit the water). It was a great eater and always out in the open before.
Gradually, over the last weeks, it became even more lethargic and skittish and completely lost interested in food. I did not see it eat for at least 2 weeks, but still it isn't that skinny.
Yesterday, I found him in a bottom corner of the tank. Not looking so bad, but still extremely lethargic and not eating. I decided to catch it today and move it to the coral qt tank while I setup the fish qt. Easiest catch of my life...
I can see some discoloration on its skin, but not that major at all. Eyes are clear and fins look Ok to me. Breathing rate is not fast at all, I'd even say it's pretty low. It was even lower in the display tank before catching it (like one breath every 2 seconds).
I have been thinking of flukes, but that is not probable IMO, from what I know. Every other fish in the tank is very healthy (no sign of disease, very good eaters, active, colorful, etc.). As I said, the breathing rate is not fast at all and I did not see the gramma dart or scratch itself. All fish were treated with copper and with praziquantel or hyposalinity before entering the display tank.
I'm asking for your help, please... What could the problem be ? Can I treat the fish ?
Here is a video of the fish, now in the qt tank.
Thank you in advance !