Stressed Torch



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2 weeks and already having problems is not a good sign. Something is out of whack.
Yeah, My own fault really. The 1 day shipping was delayed a day, so everything was a little rough coming in, but after a few days, everything was doing pretty good until I swapped out half of the aquascape, I pulled a rookie move and didn't rinse the rock well enough prior to putting it in, causing a cloud that lasted almost 12 hours. Everything seemed a bit ticked after that. Also, with being a nano, parameters are easy to swing quick, & I'm new to this so I'm sure I could be doing better. I am testing 2x weekly, testing Alk every other day, & SG & Temp daily.
Larger 40% water change is not going to stabilize the parameters. Is there a possibility you can do 10% more frequently than what you're doing now? Changing out 40% all at once disrupts everything. IMO
It's only a nano, so the large water changes (especially with a newer tank), have been really helpful. The one I just did the water was filthy, and I just did one on Thursday. I am going to increase the changes from 1x/week to 2x/week until I get everything in a better position. The new scape caused diatoms to come back with a vengeance & I'm still dialing in my flow & lighting.
I think I agree that this does not look like a torch. Does have the signs of a frogspawn possibly a framer but leaning heavily to a frogspawn.
I would be pretty shocked if this is not a torch. It looked completely normal until it started showing these signs of stress. Now it's almost like the tips are damaged & it's trying to regrow new or it's having mutations or something. This is my first few corals so I'm not really sure..
This is not normal for this tank, it's usually 1.026, but I didn't have enough water in after a water change and the ATO diluted a bit much. After today's water change it should be back where it is. If there's one thing that's usually consistent in this tank it's salinity & temp.
Day or night? Night okay but if this is your day reading probably drops further at night.
I test in the PM usually 8-9PM. I will do a daytime reading to day to see where we're at, but we're fresh off a large water change too. I tested a fresh batch of salt mix and it was right around 8.

Bump this up a couple hundred minimum. You can do that in one dose no problems.
I was going to retest later tonight, I know the hanna Ca checkers can be finnicky and I just wanted to reconfirm. Every other test I've done has been high so the low reading caught me off guard. I was also wondering how much the large water change would help if it was low. Using Reef Crystals.
I would probably want to dose individually and do a smaller water change. IMO.
Even on a Nano? I've been trying to keep everything stable with large weekly water changes, it's like a cheat code for nanos. I just think I have to increase to 2x / week. I have been dosing All For Reef which has almost everything. I'm trying to see what happens when things stabilize, but I've been watching for trends in the tests.


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I’d guess lack of stable parameters especially salinity, with a possible infectious cause second. Torch is having trouble maintaining osmotic equilibrium with shifting salinity resulting in abnormal flesh inflation.

If infectious I’d guess viral and not bacterial. Likely due to stress. Which could also be caused by instability. Dip probably not going to help.

It’s a torch, just having a weird almost bouncing look going on. Frogspawn would have nodules along the tentacle not just the rare odd tip with two or three nodules. My torches ocasaionally have more than one tip as well.

Flesh band looks good. I bet if you stabilize your system it’ll be good. Agree with 10% weekly consistent water changes not major 40% change. Your parameters aren’t problematic in themselves. I’m guessing they’re shifting too rapidly for the torch to remain happy.

Also is it possible something is damaging or nipping the tips?
Even in a newer nano tank, you'd recommend smaller water changes? I just did a 40% 5 days after my last 40%, and the water was dark brown and hardly visible due to diatoms. A 10% change is a gallon of water, I could do that daily if I needed. I was thinking about dipping the stressed corals in medicoral & koral md+ just for good measure. I don't think that my yellow tail damsel is touching the torch, besides that, all I have is cuc in the tank & I separated the torch so he didn't sting his neighbors. The salinity swing was a fluke, usually very stable, but did happen at the same time I clouded the tank, so very possible. Being a nano, things are prone to fast swings but were starting to stabilize before I decided to swap out my scape. That was definitely the stressing event for everything in the tank, most seem okay, especially my hammer, but the torch was the most affected.


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Sounds like major changes and instability causing stress. I think with consistency this coral will rebound judging by your pics.

While it is possible to get away with larger water changes, your water really needs to match including temp, salinity, and alk. I’d still personally keep 20% as a weekly maximum to reduce parameter fluctuation. Only time for that big of a water change is some kind of total melt down event (eg. heater nukes your tank) and I don’t think you’re there judging by your pics.

With that being said, I’d personally make small changes and get on a consistent schedule with 10% weekly changes, or biweekly 20 percent. I’m sure smaller daily Wc are ok, but likely unnecessary. Keep it simple and take it slow.

If your nutrient levels are confirmed with a good test kit I’d manage this slowly. Nothing stands out as being majorly off as long as numbers are stable. Let the tank stabilize. Do smaller water changes on a consistent schedule. Keep the salinity as stable as you can.

Diatoms are self limiting based on available fuel, typically silicates. Water changes don’t always help get rid of them, especially in a new tank.

Are you using 0 tds water? RO/Di? If not your water change could be feeding the diatoms. Diatoms are typically harmless to tank inhabitants and will just go away on their own.


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I would not dip this coral. It is likely to cause more stress and maybe kill the coral or cause more issues.
The coral is just struggling due to major tank changes. This is unlikely a disease with the new information you have provided.


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I would not dip this coral. It is likely to cause more stress and maybe kill the coral or cause more issues.
The coral is just struggling due to major tank changes. This is unlikely a disease with the new information you have provided.
I agree. After the water change this morning, it definitely expanded quite a bit. Still looking lumpy at the tips of the tentacles but seems much happier. I hope it returns to normal soon! I will just keep a close eye out. & keep you all posted.
Are you using 0 tds water? RO/Di? If not your water change could be feeding the diatoms. Diatoms are typically harmless to tank inhabitants and will just go away on their own.
Yes, using RODI 0 tds water. It's just the ugly phase. I was just shocked at how dirty my tank got in 5 days. However, it's the first change I was able to do since I clouded my tank and messed up the salinity moving rock around. Hopefully 20% weekly will be enough to keep the tank somewhat decent looking going forward. I'm pretty picky about keeping the tank looking nice, even though I know it's supposed to look rough during the ugly stage, yellow/brown water can't be great for the tank's inhabitants either. Reef Crystals is also pretty close to the parameters I'm trying to keep in my tank as well.

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