So i’m in a bit of a tough situation right now… Lately i have been getting new fish and all of the sudden they disappear dead. I had a powder brown tang, purple dottyback, mandarin goby, pearly jawfish, and a couple others that just end up dead somehow. I always make sure to try and pick out the healthiest fish i can to put in my tank. Recently i was out of town for 4 days for thanksgiving. I had left the tank off on a good note doing a large water change, feeding well and just making sure everything was perfect. Well once i came back from my trip i come to look at my tank and all that’s left of my powder brown was its skeleton . I was so confused because everything was good before I had left. Also noticed that my pearly jawfish is missing. (The other fish i mentioned before had died before this but thought i’d mention them). I was in shock finding this out and I don’t know what i’ve done wrong. My fish were doing so good before I left and all of the sudden things are going wrong. Water parameters are normal and everything i can think of is done the right way. So after i got everything taken care of frustrated I went to my LFS and got a purple dottyback. Had him in the tank for about 24 hours and then i see his body completely cut in half dead. I know this can’t be because if my pumps or anything so it has to be one of my fish that is the killer. I just don’t know what to do at this point as i have made a connection and love the fish in this aquarium and im trying to hard to make everything right and something seems to always go wrong at the worst times. In this tank at the moment I have a lunar wrasse about 3-4 inches, a 3 inch coral beauty, a 2 clownfish and some inverts. I don’t seem to see any aggression when i’m watching the tank between the fish they all seem peaceful so i don’t know what’s going on. I feed a variety of foods every day and at this point i don’t know what else to do. If one of my fish is killing the other I would have no idea to which fish it could be as they aren’t aggressive to each other that i can see and ive always tried to make sure that they are eating enough. My tank is a 60 gallon innovative marine. Somebody please help me out!