So I got these 2 clownfish yesterday when I was acclimating them I noticed it but ther look really healthy ther swimming around together ther eating ther doing so well but I saw the like white patch or a fungus of some type on the side of the clownfish face I got photo but it’s not a good one ther loving so much I’ll try and get a better one all my parematers are fine I got them tested
Salinity 1.024
ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 15
Ph 8.1
The rest were fine to what do you think is on the side of his face it’s just a small patch and if it’s bad what should i treat it with thanks
Salinity 1.024
ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 15
Ph 8.1
The rest were fine to what do you think is on the side of his face it’s just a small patch and if it’s bad what should i treat it with thanks