I have a lot of acros with great color and polyp extension. Jf solar flare mili was one that just didn’t do well for me either. It was a huge frag and survived a year. I think it just never looked good and I ended up throwing it in the trash one day. It’s really millis that don’t do well for me. All my parameters are excellent and stable, except phosphate is always elevated.Ive been able to for about a year now successful grow color up most across. I've had minimal losses and I don't know why... maybe Coral chemical warfare or some sort of pest or infection, but overall most seem fine. They are a finicky coral for sure. I've had tenuis, stag, millepora and some random other species grow and maintain color, polyp extension and growth, but there is one stubborn one.
It's a solar flare mille and only has encrusted a little bit. No signs of stress or pests. I just find it weird that the others will grow and not this one?