Need some urgent advice regarding a Zebra Lionfish I have obtained. It is refusing to eat (three days) or show any interest in food. Currently set up in my QT with precautionary prazi dosed yesterday.
Picture provided of it's poop, it's very long stringy and white - wondering if this is internal parasites?
I've tried with live river shrimp, lfs advised it was eating frozen lance fish which I have not tried yet. My views is no interest in live food then there's little chance of it eating frozen.
I have pure Metronidazole on hand and Metroplex if required.
Picture provided of it's poop, it's very long stringy and white - wondering if this is internal parasites?
I've tried with live river shrimp, lfs advised it was eating frozen lance fish which I have not tried yet. My views is no interest in live food then there's little chance of it eating frozen.
I have pure Metronidazole on hand and Metroplex if required.