Barred Eel not eating


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Feb 15, 2022
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I keep a Barred Eel with a Snowflake Eel. They have been together for many years. The Barred Eel has recently scoffed at all of her food offerings. Things she normally eats. I do three options. My own mix of frozen, krill or silversides. The Snowflake will sometimes eat every day. The Barred Eel has always eaten much less than the Snowflake but has refused food longer this time than usual. Its a 120g with a Grouper. It has a 120g sump with lots of filtration. The Eels are not fighting as far as I can tell and they never have.

lion king

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Eels should not every day, their metabolism requires them to eat on a gorge/fast cycle. I am surprised they have lived 3 years feeding every day. Give them a fasting period, start feeding a couple of times a week, then every 5 days, then as long as once a week. A diet high in thiaminese will also create a vitamin defiencency which eventually leads to refusing food. Krill is the biggest culprit being high in thiaminese, and if the silversides wasn't San Francisco Bay brand, the silversides is also high in thiaminese. Change the diet, most importantly add a fatty fish, wild skin on salmon; some mollusks like mussels, squid, and minimally some whole shrimp including guts and shells.


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Feb 15, 2022
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Eels should not every day, their metabolism requires them to eat on a gorge/fast cycle. I am surprised they have lived 3 years feeding every day. Give them a fasting period, start feeding a couple of times a week, then every 5 days, then as long as once a week. A diet high in thiaminese will also create a vitamin defiencency which eventually leads to refusing food. Krill is the biggest culprit being high in thiaminese, and if the silversides wasn't San Francisco Bay brand, the silversides is also high in thiaminese. Change the diet, most importantly add a fatty fish, wild skin on salmon; some mollusks like mussels, squid, and minimally some whole shrimp including guts and shells.
I make my own food with several kinds of fish, peas, scallops etc They mostly refuse it although the barred eel was preferring it for awhile. The snowflake wants only krill althoiugh I can get him to! eat silversides sometimes. He doesn't ear quite every day and sometimes he will go a few days without. These are picky eels. I had a Tesselata that ae the mix I made and never refused. i have been about 5 days since the barred eel has been more picky and she might be taking some food. But not like normal. I normally feed these eels when they come out looking. The barred eel comes out but then refuses. I can'd find squid at the regular market. I foundnlow salt shrimp but these eels are picky.