Manny's Red Sea Reefer 750 XXL

Manny’s Reef

Manny’s Reef

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I was speaking with a friend and mentioned to him that I have yet to see a single speck of coralline algae. Being that so many consider it’s appearance as an indication that it’s ok to start with some SPS, I figured I’d start really paying attention to when it makes a first appearance. I added this bottle of the magic purple stuff. Do I really think it will work? Pshhh. No. But am I willing to lose $20 to prove either way? Sure. So this bottle went in on the 12th. We’ll see when we start seeing some coralline.

I do actually have some sticks in here though. I placed an order with TSA over a month ago. From 15 frags, I lost only 1 about a week ago. I changed the placement of my frag rack and they didn’t respond well. 3 started to STN but 2 stopped and one was ultimately left with only a few spots of flesh in its skeletal base. I left the base in there just in case the patches of flesh decide to start growing.
The frags browned/purpled out a bit but otherwise look good to me. Decent polyp extension. I won’t add anymore though until I actually start seeing some growth in these.

I added a fifth kessil a360x for better coverage. Considering a sixth but that will probably wait until the coral start asking for it.

And some good news: the wife is getting a water box peninsula to setup as a predator tank.

Manny’s Reef

Manny’s Reef

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Just a quick update: not much to update lol. I'm allowing things to settle down and stabilize. The few frags that I have are starting to color up from the brown look they took. Two of the frags have little nubs on them showing some growth. Polyps are starting to extend once again. Will try and get some decent pics.
Manny’s Reef

Manny’s Reef

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Alright it’s about time. Look what will finally arrive tomorrow. It’s probably a good thing that it’s taken a while for these to arrive because in the interim, the tank has maintained stability while maturing. It’s still under a year old so it can definitely benefit from time to mature. Anyhow, super excited to get these fish tomorrow.
Manny’s Reef

Manny’s Reef

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Not much going on lately with the build. I’ve halted all purchases for a good reason. I accepted a position within my firm to go be the new managing attorney at our Salt Lake location. So I will be moving my tank at the end of July.

4 weeks ago I found a screaming hot deal for 3 radion xr30 pro G5. I purchased three of them and am now running both radions and Kessils. Why not run the best of both worlds. I’ll have to snap some pictures for you all.

Can’t wait to settle down in Utah and start stocking this build with some coral.
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Tang tang
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Not much going on lately with the build. I’ve halted all purchases for a good reason. I accepted a position within my firm to go be the new managing attorney at our Salt Lake location. So I will be moving my tank at the end of July.

4 weeks ago I found a screaming hot deal for 3 radion xr30 pro G5. I purchased three of them and am now running both radions and Kessils. Why not run the best of both worlds. I’ll have to snap some pictures for you all.

Can’t wait to settle down in Utah and start stocking this build with some coral.
Congratulations with your new position. Hope all is well.
Wow! So how was it moving that big monster?
Manny’s Reef

Manny’s Reef

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We are officially in Utah now. The tank arrived yesterday and I paid some movers to get it in the house today. They commented on how they should have created a YouTube video around moving this tank. Poor guys were tired. No worries though, they got a nice tip.

Here it is in its new home. Question for you more educated folks. Should I be concerned about the weight of the tank? There is a basement underneath and the crossbeams run parallel to the tank.


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We are officially in Utah now. The tank arrived yesterday and I paid some movers to get it in the house today. They commented on how they should have created a YouTube video around moving this tank. Poor guys were tired. No worries though, they got a nice tip.

Here it is in its new home. Question for you more educated folks. Should I be concerned about the weight of the tank? There is a basement underneath and the crossbeams run parallel to the tank.
Congrats on the move! I was concerned with placement/weight as well. I found several threads and one very lengthy and well-written article by a structural engineer that was linked from a reef forum. The basic conclusion I came to was that up to about 125g (around 1200 lbs) against a wall across the joists perpendicular shouldn’t be a problem with modern construction. Anything else is probably safest to get signed off on by an engineer. As a result I ended up putting it in my basement where I don’t see it as much day to day, but on the plus side I ended up with a full fish room next to it.

The 750 far exceeds that weight guideline on weight so I personally would be most comfortable checking with someone first on a second floor.
Manny’s Reef

Manny’s Reef

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Alright so display is full. I still need to clean the sump so I have not installed it just yet. Will fill up as soon as I get it clean. I'll take advantage and clean up my return as well.

I went to pickup my fish this weekend from my brother's house in Idaho. Surprisingly, I didn't lose any fish during transportation. I placed them in my wife's car, which has a 12v plug in, inside a 20 gallon tank and air stone. They did just fine.

I did lose two fish at my brother's house; an engineer goby and my diamond goby. He says both went into hiding under the rock and he never saw them again. When we transported the fish there, I also realized that I was missing my purple firefish. I am assuming it got got in the rocks somewhere and disappeared during transport.

This moving scenario has been a big pain. I think next time I move, I'm going to sell the tank locally and buy a new one at the new location. It was not worth the effort in my opinion. We'll see though when this thing is fully grown with coral if I still think the same way.

I'm looking at some rock from Tampa Bay just to diversify things up a bit. Undecided still. Pics to come when the mess is cleaned up.


Tang tang
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Alright so display is full. I still need to clean the sump so I have not installed it just yet. Will fill up as soon as I get it clean. I'll take advantage and clean up my return as well.

I went to pickup my fish this weekend from my brother's house in Idaho. Surprisingly, I didn't lose any fish during transportation. I placed them in my wife's car, which has a 12v plug in, inside a 20 gallon tank and air stone. They did just fine.

I did lose two fish at my brother's house; an engineer goby and my diamond goby. He says both went into hiding under the rock and he never saw them again. When we transported the fish there, I also realized that I was missing my purple firefish. I am assuming it got got in the rocks somewhere and disappeared during transport.

This moving scenario has been a big pain. I think next time I move, I'm going to sell the tank locally and buy a new one at the new location. It was not worth the effort in my opinion. We'll see though when this thing is fully grown with coral if I still think the same way.

I'm looking at some rock from Tampa Bay just to diversify things up a bit. Undecided still. Pics to come when the mess is cleaned up.
Sound's like it is coming together.

It will all be worth it when your done.
Manny’s Reef

Manny’s Reef

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So not much going on lately. Tank has been up and running since the first week of September. The move to Utah went rather flawless. I just hate to seemingly start all over with my tank. Here is a video at the one-month mark.

When I moved, I kept my rock alive. I transferred it in large bins with a heater and pump. I also added 30 lbs. of Tampa Bay premium rock. I saw no ammonia spikes at all. 2 weeks later I drove back to Idaho to pick up my fish.

I am still unsure whether I will leave this as a bare bottom tank. I like the idea of cranking up the flow, less maintenance, etc. But, I can’t deny I absolutely miss the look of sand. My wife also loves wrasses. I get a feeling we might end up adding sand in the future.

I have no coral. I think I am going to allow things to settle down until next year before throwing some tester frags in here. It’s too cold to order online and I despise the prices I have seen on coral at the local shops around here.

I do have some bad news. I lost all 3 of my convict tangs. Not sure what it is with these guys that they don’t seem to make it long term. Within a period of 2 weeks, all 3 were gone. They rapidly declined. For a few hours, they start doing the funky chicken dance. Then they were gone. All happened about 5-6 days apart. I admit, they never actually ate pellets of frozen food. All they did was graze on the algae in tank. They got pretty skinny. I suspect something got them internally. This has been generally my experience with convicts. Even when purchasing from a reputable sources, like @Dr. Reef , they haven't made it long term for me. I’ve only ever managed to keep one long term. It’s such a bummer because due to its excellent work ethic, it is one of my favorite tangs. Sadly, I’ve lost too much of them over the years that I don’t think I am willing to continue trying them.

I’ve gotten back to doing my own quarantine process as well. Currently, I have a mocha storm clown, 2 pajamas, and a royal gramma all in quarantine. I have a setup which I will be permanently using as a QT. I’m running plastic bio balls in there to help me with ammonia. My local shop does sell supposed QT fish but after discussing their protocols, I won’t rely on them to QT any of my fish. Their quarantine protocols only involves prazi and metro. Nothing else.

My baby girl is doing great as well. She is growing so quickly. Based on her growth alone, I may start dosing baby formula to my tank. I believe I could set world record speeds for growing coral. We shall see.

I’ll try and do better about updates when my tank actually warrants them
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Manny’s Reef

Manny’s Reef

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Caught this little bugger today. It had my wife’s brand new maxima clam in hand, attempting to crack it open. Fortunately, I caught it before it caused any damage. I saw this guy a couple of weeks ago but hadn’t been able to catch it. It’s a gorilla crab who hitched his way here from Tampa bay with the live rock I ordered.

Manny’s Reef

Manny’s Reef

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Alright so I said I was going to wait until next year to add coral but . . . It turns out Sunny Side Corals is local so I’ve been visiting them often this whole month. The first batch of coral went in 3 weeks ago, the next a week later, and the last just yesterday. The first batch is already showing growth. All in all, they still look very happy.

I’ve got my second kessil running. I was waiting on a replacement holder for the RMS rail system. It finally arrived. Check out the pictures below. I definitely recommend @neon_reefer for these kessil mounts. They are a solid option.

I also won a humidity sensor from a live stream over at Reef Automation. I figured why not run it since I have it. Kind of cool to know the humidity levels in the cabinet. I’ll figure out a way to run a fan in accordance to the humidity.

I’ve got a royal gramma, storm clown, and 2 pajama cardinals wrapping up quarantine soon. They’ll be ready to go on the 30th of this month. Currently, I’ve only got some chromis, yellow fox face, and a hawk fish in the display. Next to quarantine will be a trio of scopas tangs.

Glad to see things coming along.

Forest fire digi from Sunny Side Corals


Green fungia plate from Sunny Side Corals


Mint alveopora from Sunny Side Corals


Sonic the hedgehog galaxea

WWC grafted montipora

Sunset montipora from Sunny Side Corals (it’s a little upset. It fell under a rock for a couple of days)

Watermelon psammocora and pixy dust goniopora both from Sunny Side Corals

Green hydronophora from Sunny Side Corals


Green mini carpet anemone

Yellow (not so yellow) mini carpet anemone

Christmas clove polyps from Sunny Side Corals

Green birds nest from Sunny Side Corals

Birds of paradise from Sunny Side Corals


Dragon soul favia from Sunny Side Corals


Derasa clam purchased from petco in May. It’s grown 3-4x in less than a year


Wifeys blue maxima clam

Green spongodes from Sunny Side Corals

custom kessil RMS mount



Manny’s Reef

Manny’s Reef

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As you can see above. I’ve got some GHA. This is my second round of it. It’s almost all gone. Had one about 6 weeks ago and it lasted about 2 weeks. This has also lasted about 2 weeks. I suspect by the weekend it’ll be gone.


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Looks like things are going great. Glad you got it there safely.

Earlier this year I experienced moving with a tank as well and agree it's painful.
Was quite stressful also trying to manage keeping my fish safe and looked after by a LFS, along with my corals.

Hated the process, lost a few along the way. I'm glad to still have some of the original fish etc though.
I had to start from scratch due to the distance travelled, I still have my old live rock (I really should bleach/clean it so I can use it again in future), but I didn't want to use it due to some of the pests (vermitid snails) that I had on it.

Also had the movers damage the adjustable legs on it too, despite telling them to be wary of them when picking up the tank.
Some people just don't care.
Manny’s Reef

Manny’s Reef

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Looks like things are going great. Glad you got it there safely.

Earlier this year I experienced moving with a tank as well and agree it's painful.
Was quite stressful also trying to manage keeping my fish safe and looked after by a LFS, along with my corals.

Hated the process, lost a few along the way. I'm glad to still have some of the original fish etc though.
I had to start from scratch due to the distance travelled, I still have my old live rock (I really should bleach/clean it so I can use it again in future), but I didn't want to use it due to some of the pests (vermitid snails) that I had on it.

Also had the movers damage the adjustable legs on it too, despite telling them to be wary of them when picking up the tank.
Some people just don't care.
Ya I was fortunate to travel a short distance so I was able to keep my live rock live. The movers did also damage the legs here. I did what I could to reinstall some that fell off. However, I was not able to get the tank perfectly level which scares the living daylights out of me. Really constantly monitoring though everyday. Don’t want another busted seam. Not fun.