
  1. SaltyMermaid86

    Red/ green hair algea and nitrates

    Hi! I had been battling dinos for 3 or 4 months. I finally was able to get them to a manageable level and now I have hair algea. I've removed as much as I can by hand (slowly) and purchased 2 tuxedo urchins. I've had them for about 4 days now. I tested my nitrates today and they've dropped to...
  2. Michael's Marine Park

    Freezing Dino's Out (An Anecdotal Story)

    Hello everyone, I wanted to share an experience I recently had in the hopes it may help others who know more about dinos and how to treat for them. THIS IS NOT A RECOMMENDATION TO TRY THIS. I have a 25gal waterbox mini peninsula that's 3 months old and stocked with two clownfish and a variety...
  3. ReefTosh

    Is this enough for a Dino I.D?

    So, brown matty stuff on sandbed (and now starting to go up the rock next to it) I tried the strain test, where I scooped up some, mixed it, strained it and let it sit in a glass. After about 30m the same stuff that's on the sandbed appeared in the glass. Got my little usb microscope on it...
  4. A

    Advice on fighting dinos

    Hey everyone, I have been battling prorocentrum dinos for 1.5 years at this point. It likely started due to phosphate bottoming out as well as me using tap water. I am a student so I'm a little tight in the financial department so it took a while to get an RODI. My params: Alk 8.6, pH. 7.9, Calc...
  5. britnicole1724


    So I have confirmed I have LCA Dino’s. On top of bryopsis and hair algae that I’ve been dealing with for a while now. I do weekly water changes but it’s just not getting any better. Obviously something is off but my parameters are not showing it. salinity ammonia 0 Nitrates 7 Nitrites 0...
  6. S

    EMERGENCY Corals bleached overnight

    Excuse the long post but I don’t understand what happened, I’ve been reefing for almost 2 years now. I research for hours daily to better my chances in this hobby. I have a waterbox frag 165.6 that’s been up for about 6 months now, I let it cycle for over a month before adding coral. A week ago...
  7. S

    Beating dinos

    What do you guys think of this idea to beat Dinos? I have 2 tanks, both waterbox frags. My 105.4 is going on one and a half years old doing extremely well and mature. My newer Waterbox Frag 165.6 is about 5 months old and now it’s getting a Dino outbreak and my nutrients bottomed out. Can I do a...
  8. Reefnewb

    Dino’s help

    Hey fellas i have a tank with no live stock in it that had Dino’s. I plan to restart the setup with live sand and live rock. I wanted to clean the whole system before adding new rock and sand. My plan is to drain the tank fill it with freshwater and then run vinegar through the whole system for...
  9. SaltLife77

    Battle with Ostreopsis Dinos.....

    Hello reef keeping friends, I am fighting the good and often times treacherous fight with the famed Ostreopsis Dinos - and as with any fight, there have been casualties. Thus far I have lost: -Bird's Nest Coral -Montipora (on it's way) -1 Belted Sand Fish (he was the only fish in the tank...
  10. D

    Stringy Algae, Dino’s, or cyano(no bubbles)???

    Does anyone have an idea what this could be? I have had them pop up on the past and I thought it was Dino’s, but it disappeared for a while and now has made its way back, but now more than ever. Should I dose vibrant? Thank you!
  11. jmNoles

    When you basically have a refugium in the display tank....

    45 AIO is currently beyond overrun with GHA and dinos. Any and all help would be appreciated, because this is about to drive me out of the hobby entirely. I haven't bothered testing nitrate and phosphate because they're likely zero'd out given the sheer amount of algae in the DT. FWIW, is an...
  12. J

    Dino fight...

    My son just upgraded his 4 year old 27gallon tank to a 80 gallon, as of today we are at the 5 week mark. We cycled the new tank, seeded with the filters from his old tank. It took about 3-4 weeks for ammonia, then nitrates to drop close to 0. We added a bottle of copepods, BIO-spira, a damsel...
  13. M

    How long do Dinos live?

    Hi, I have been battling dinos in my 95g tank as both my phosphate and nitrate kept bottoming out. I finally raised my nitrates and phosphates and notice that they are starting to die. How long should I keep my phos and nitrates elevated so they completely die? if anyone can help thanks!
  14. cabezatuck

    The last resort: Dino X

    I’ve been battling Dinos for about 9 months in two reef tanks: 13.5 gallon LPS 2 years old and 40 gallon mixed 1 year old. In the 13.5 just prior to the outbreak I had used Vibrant which I believe crashed my nutrient levels after rocking my barely established bio filter and eliminating the small...
  15. Brian W

    Dinoflagellates ID (Microscope photo)

    Which strain is this? 40x magnification. I looked at images of Ostreopsis and Prorocentrum on Google but they look similar to me. Thanks
  16. AquaPhilNJ

    Dinos over 1 year

    I've had dinos so long I feel my self giving up a little, been so long can't remember 1 year maybe more? I've read many things before. I maintain nitrate 4 ppm , phosphate 0.03ppm. So I dont' understand why it remains. Here's a pic and my aquarium logs...
  17. A

    Dinoflagellate relapse

    Some of you may know me, and unfortunately I am a recurring theme on these threads. School started for me two days ago, and since then I’ve had to wake up at 5:45. My lights are usually set to about 8:30 to 9:00, but they came on at 6:30. When I got home from school there were more...
  18. W


    Can peroxide kill dinos of a frag ? Along with a dipping method ?
  19. A

    GHA suffocating corals

    Hello, I am currently battling prorocentrum dinos and am making solid progress. I have a forest of GHA now, but it is now becoming problematic. It is housing stray dinos in it, while also suffocating my Xenia. Even though it is a competitor for the dinos, it is also a major nuisance. I want to...
  20. D

    Stringy algae growing out of control and hurting corals! Please help.

    Hello, so I have been into the reefing hobby for about a year and a half now and about 4 months ago I purchased this 30 gallon tank and cycled it, and placed a few fish and corals in. I am at about the 3-4 month mark and all of the sudden this strongly algae began to grow very quickly and in a...
  21. D

    Diatoms, Dinos, Cyano, and Hair algae?

    Hello to anyone who's here (and thank you for reading)! I think I've encountered my first issue with my reef tank, which is whether I've got dinos, diatoms, cyano, and hair algae - or maybe all four of them at the same time. I don't have a microscope on hand so I'm aware that the best ID I can...
  22. S

    Second Opinions Never Hurt - Dinos?

    Hi, all! First time posting but here’s another algae ID post. I don’t believe they’re diatoms. They sorta look like dinos but don’t have the characteristic trapped air bubbles. It’s brown, it covers the rocks, tank walls, and only the sand that is in the light. What do you guys think? Tank has...
  23. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Diatoms reforming?

    Not sure if I had dinos at first which I thought were diatoms but if these are diatoms then they are reforming. Does adding more dry rock make diatoms reform? Also it's really only taking off on more of the older rock. Tank is about 1 month and 1 week old.
  24. Reef and Dive

    Dinoflagellates - do you want them?

    I was thinking about something a little different here, we surelly do not have a simple solution that works for all dinos, unfortunatelly, but for a long time we started to understand what are great conditions that predict dino problems in the future. So this list is kind of a joke (many items...
  25. shom

    Is it toxic dinos?

    Hi, A soft algae-like something has appeared in my coral tank since yesterday.:eek: (mov. 1) I'm afraid that it might be dinos. :confused: I took the piece of it and poured oxydol on it, but its color did not change. (mov. 2) I've heard If it's dinos, it turns purple. Is it unlikely that...