
  1. Leon Gorani

    I’m pretty sure these are dinos, just want to double check.

    If these are dinos in my pics, what should I do to get rid of them? I was thinking dosing nitrate and phosphate but I don’t want to end up with other algae problems or over do it. Any tips? The bubbles do go away at night when my lights are off and they do come back when lights are on. I don’t...
  2. A

    Dino ID

    Hello, I’ve had brown algae for months in my tank and I believe they could be dinos from all pictures and descriptions ive seen, however I’m still not sure. Can anyone help me ID these??
  3. Salty Hippo

    Dino id

    Are these Dinos? If so what kind are they? What is the best course of action to eradicate them? Thank you.
  4. P

    My Easy approach to Amphidinium dinoflagellates

    I have a 50 gallon cube, sump, sand, ATS, radion LED, Protein skimmer, my aquascape is fairly easy to remove in sections. My troubles with Dinos coincided with overzealous Iron supplementation and low nutrients. I lost many corals and anemones to the infestation. I am not sure if my approach...
  5. X

    I finally beat dinos!

    So my tank has had dinos for a few months, going from good to bad good to bad to worse, with recently being REALLLY bad. Here is a pic from a month or two ago. And here is what it looks like now. To be honest, im really not sure what I did. I manually removed it now and then. the biggest...
  6. Macreefs

    Ostreopsis Dinoflagellates and TM All-for-Reef

    Hey all! I am currently battling Ostreopsis dinos that seem resistant to UV. Ive beat them in the past in this same tank with this same UV but this time around the difference is that I am dosing all for reef. I know in the wild that dinos feed off of free iron and that AFR has iron in it and...
  7. sotsreef

    Microscope ID help (diatoms,dinos?)

  8. Razorp

    Moving an anemone from a tank that has Dinos.

    Ok, this may be difficult to answer. I want to move an anemone from my tank at home, to my office tank that i built specifically for anemones. The problem is, my tank has just begun getting dinos, and my office tank has just now gotten mature enough for my bubble tip nems. The real question...
  9. sotsreef

    Dinos or Diatoms?

    Here is a picture, if needed I can post tank details but was gonna see if anyone could tell from just a photo. I’m talking about the brownish spots on the white dry rock.
  10. Alyssalaurente

    DINO ID???

    Hello reef friends and experts! I was wondering if anyone could help me identify this type of dinoflagellate. On the sand bed, it looks more like diatoms. No appearance of stringy/snotty bubbles, just brown patches that appear during the day and vanish at night. Under the microscope they are...
  11. yanni

    Question about Dino’s

    I’m fairly new to saltwater aquariums but have seen these pesky algae, Dino’s, mentioned quite often in various discussions. So I have a question.... how common are they? Is everyone bound to get them? Are there sure fire ways to avoid them? Kind regards, yanni
  12. Salty Hippo

    Help id microscope image video

    Need to know what this is so I can treat it correctly. It’s only a photo but they move around quickly. Thanks
  13. Salty Hippo

    Cyano? Dinos?

    First post, need help.... Can anyone tell me what this is and how to get rid of it. My Phosphates .04 and Nitrates 5. Been doing 25% water changes weekly using RO/DI water 0 tds.
  14. S

    Is this a Dino cell?

    I’ve been trying to battle this ‘brown algae’ for quite a long time now. I’ve finally gotten a microscope to observe all the cells in my aquarium. Does the picture below look like Dino cells. The cells do move around and they go away at night and come back in the day. This makes me think it is...
  15. andrecr

    Question about Dinos

    Hey guys! First of all, hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas :D I got kinda of a silly question about dinos. I got myself a new tank and it's almost time to put my first corals in there. In the last 2 weeks some dinos appeared in my old tank, can they move to the new one via sand or...
  16. Michigan Reefer

    0.06 phosphate = Dinos? Algae? It's everywhere and it's my fault. Lots of pics.

    It's my fault. I switched out my entire sumps bacteria filled substrate and biofilter media and replaced it with calcium reactor media and crushed coral. It's been a month with no problems until the last couple of days. Just tested phosphate (0.06) to decide if I need a large water change to...
  17. A

    HELP! What the H... is this??? Dinos? Diatoms?

    I have a reef tank that most likely has either brown diatoms or dinoflagellates growing on the gravel/sand. Tank is at least a year old. Tests indicate excellent water quality with the possible exception - API kit shows nitrate @ 0 & phosphate checker shows it @ 0.03 so maybe too low? meaning...
  18. A

    HELP! What the H... Is this stuff? It's driving me crazy and I can't get rid of it!

    I have a reef tank that most likely has either brown diatoms or dinoflagellates growing on the gravel/sand. Tank is at least a year old. Tests indicate excellent water quality with the possible exception - API kit shows nitrate @ 0 & phosphate checker shows it @ 0.03 so maybe too low? meaning...
  19. JackerVenom

    The Dino’s! Ahhh

    Okay everyone so I recently moved and of course replaced my sand and everything was good! But after a month (last week) I noticed some stringy algae! I had noticed some before but as of last week I really noticed it. Unfortunately I had to leave for a week and had a suspicion it was Dino’s...
  20. Fer21

    Seachem Flourish to increase PO4 and NO3

    Hello, I’m battling with Dino’s and I’m going to dose flourish phosphate and nitrogen to increase muy nutrients. I have use Seachem Dosage Calculator and here it’s what’s the recommended dosage for my tank. I have the following questions: 1.Did I put the correct measurements? 2. Do you dose...
  21. J

    Dinos showed up while using Chemiclean

    Hi all, I've had my reef tank up for a little over a year and a half. I have learned a lot in that time, specifically that keeping a reef is much more intense than I originally thought coming from the freshwater side of the hobby. Before I decided to jump in to reef keeping, I thought all the...
  22. Boss

    Manual Removal of Dinos?

    What are the opinions on the best way to manually remove Dinos? Would anyone recommend against brushing them off rocks and corals with a toothbrush? I'm worried about whether they would spread doing this? I was hoping someone invented something that incorporates a brush and a suction...
  23. Boss

    How to do a blackout for Dinoflagellates

    To address my dinoflagellate issue in my SPS/LPS dominated mixed reef I'm going to try a blackout for 3-4 days per everyone's advice. However, I can't seem to find answers to the following questions regarding "how to do a blackout" in case anyone can help: Do I need to blackout my...
  24. S

    Mystery algae killing my corals?

    Hi everyone, First and foremost, here are my tank specs: Fluval Evo 13.5 AI Prime 16HD running BRS's AB+ schedule at 40%, mounted 9 inches above the water surface, and 20 inches above the sand. It is run at 40% intensity for 6 hours a day with a two hour ramp up and down. 10 lbs of live rock...
  25. Paul Kachirsky

    Dinos in QT tank. Can I move them?

    My coral quarantine thing is currently going through Dino’s. I did a black out and I’ve been adding beneficial bacteria every day. Today I vacuumed out as much as I could off of the egg crate and will do so again in another day or two. If I scrub the coral skeletons on my torches would it be...