
  1. A

    Coral not opening up like before and sponge problems

    My corals have been recently not opening up as big as they did before. Nothing really changed. My GSP has been suffering since sponges are growing on it, but nothing happened to other corals. I tried manually removing the sponges but they were soft and wouldn’t come off so i was afraid to hurt...
  2. jimmypencil

    Best way to upgrade tanks

    I currently have a evo 13.5 and im planning on upgrading to a lagoon 50 in december. Everything is doing great and i mostly have LPS and softies. I run a intank basket with floss, chemipure blue, and bio balls. i also run a fuge with chaeto and some pourous rock. The main problem i have with the...
  3. A_Blind_Reefer

    My experience with Aiptasia as a severely visually impaired person so far.

    Ok, we all know that there is no magic spell we can cast Aiptasia out with. Before I lost most my vision I was able to keep Aiptasia at bay. Yeah, yeah, I know I’ll hear about how bad a reefer I am for even letting Aiptasia in my tank to begin with. I draw similarities to my motorcycle days...
  4. adittam

    Berghia Nudibranch

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Berghia Nudibranch. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  5. MaraRavenous

    California WTB WTB Berghia Nudibranch

    Hey guys! I've got a little aiptasia issue in my nano tank. I'm looking to purchase Berghia nudibranch, especially in the Southern California area. If you're local to my area or willing to ship affordably, hit me up! :)
  6. MaraRavenous

    There's gotta be a better way to deal with Aiptasia... x.x

    I'm 5 months in, and my little aquarium is happier than ever, with tons of biodiversity. I've got spaghetti worms, amphipods, copepods, bristle worms, and stomatellas.... And Aiptasia. The one thorn in my side lately. dang aiptasia! I've been using Aiptasia F for some time to deal with Aiptasia...
  7. maleks.reef

    Berghia nudibranch breeding

    I need some advice from those who have successfully bred berghias. This is the set up that I have: 3 gal tank for berghia w/ heater & air stone 1 gal bowl for the aiptasia w/ heater (Do i need an air stone?) Aiptasia will be fed and cut frequently to promote growth and multiplication. Once...
  8. Current Tides

    Berghia Nudis?

    anyone have experience with berghia nudibranchs? I recently came across a 125g with nothing but a moray eel and plenty of aiptasia lol. at first I was thinking peppermint shrimp, but I didn't think the eel would leave them alone. then I thought about berghia, thoughts? open to suggestions always.
  9. Erik the Red

    Berghia shop in Europe?!

    Hi everyone, do you know a reliable shop for buying Berghia nudibranch here in Europe? Apparently it’s really hard to buy them, at the moment… i have a bad infestation of aiptasia, due to neglecting my tank in the last couple of months, and i need to get back on track. I’m tempted, as an...
  10. S

    Is this Aiptasia or Feather duster?

    1.Is the first picture is of aiptasia or feather duster? 2. I am seeing brown/reddish film like layer on few few sand areas and also on the GSP. Is this cyano?
  11. mikemathis555


    Hello all, I pulled these off the glass in my filtration unit…are these aiptasia?
  12. OrchidMiss

    chaeto aiptasia...

    Hi guys. Not a question as far as ID.... I know aiptasia when I see it. That being said, I've found 3-4 visible aiptasia in my chaeto in my 1g HOB refugium... The chaeto ball has grown from about a baseball size to the size of a softball and running out of room. Question is, can I do a...
  13. WheatToast

    A Very Inefficient Method of Treating Aiptaisa

    Here is A Very Inefficient Method of Treating Aiptaisa I discovered a few weeks ago on accident… for anyone who is curious: 1. Submerge infested rock within sand 2. Wait for Aiptasia to detach from submerged rock and crawl towards the surface of the sandbed 3. Scoop up the Aiptasia As this...
  14. Ravisher


    Good Day! I've been looking all over for a while trying to figure out what this is that came with a used setup. I think it could be aiptasia, but i'm not 100%. I'd hate to kill something that's not a pest. It's on a small piece of rock, so I will pull it from the tank if it is aiptasia. It...
  15. Tannermule

    Berghia Nudibranch

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Berghia Nudibranch. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Hello everyone. I recently started culture burghia nudibranch. This is a great natural way to get rid of pest...
  16. JayFish4004

    Help ID weird rock worm and possible aiptasia please!

    Hi - got a couple ID’s I need help with. 1st is there are a few of these weird looking worm-like creatures protruding from my rock. Only a handful so far, any idea what this is and if I need to do anything about it? 2nd I think this is aiptasia underneath one of my blasto’s - my thought is I...
  17. T

    Is this aiptasia? Help!

    I spotted these strange tentacle looking things on my zoa rock. Is this aiptasia? I moved the rock to a quarantine tank for the time-being. There were a few other rocks very close to this one. Should I take them out as well and try to salvage any Zoas I can?
  18. O

    Possible Aiptasia ID

    Hi everyone, I’m a reasonably new reefer and was wondering what this little hitchhiker might be. I’m concerned it could be aiptasia but it has only slowly grown over a month or so and it has not reproduced to my knowledge. It also doesn’t look like aiptasia that I’ve seen. Any help would be...
  19. C

    Help with Aiptasia

    What are some good ways to remove smaller aiptasia? I’m not sure what to do at this point, I have some smaller aiptasia, around the size of a penny maybe smaller, and I’m not sure how to get rid of them. I would prefer creatures, as I have a little too many for manual removal, any ideas or...
  20. F


    We have a tiny live rock that we have noticed some stuff growing on. Can anyone help us identify it? Our tank is about 1 month old. Thank you!
  21. B

    Feather Duster Invasion or The start of Aiptasia!!

    I was about to do a water change when I saw these guys in the back of my tank. I need to be certain if this is aiptasia as this is not to be taken lightly if untaken care of it will over run my tank. If they are feather dusters I will leave them alone. The tank has been up and running about 2...
  22. VanCityReef

    Terrified to ask, is this Aiptasia?

    Checking on my sump and these are starting to pop up. Is it Aiptasia and if so, what's your best suggestion to get rid of?
  23. Scooters Reef

    Please help ID these cowboys riding my snail

    Not sure if they are feather dusters or aiptasia but fairly confident it’s a worm. I am new so looking for any clarification before I put into my display. Thanks. First post. Lurker for long. Finally starting to get hands in reefing.
  24. SimplyVibing

    Best lights to grow aiptasia?

    Sounds weird, I know. I’m culturing the nudis that eat them. Will FOWLR lights grow them? If not, what do y’all suggest? Thanks in advance.
  25. E

    Fragging toadstool ,is this aiptasia?

    Is this aiptasia? I've never fragged a coral before. Am I right in thinking I can cut the base of this leather toadstool to remove the plug area where the aiptasia is n discard. And then super glue the toadstool to a rock fragment. I want to check before I accidentally kill the toadstool. Thanks...