critter id

  1. Iggy305

    Mystery Shrimp

    So I placed an order for some inverts and everything came as requested, but an extra bag was in the shipment and a shrimp I didn’t order. I enjoy all the different inverts, I think they’re mostly fun curious creatures so I don’t mind keeping it. The concern of course is compatibility with...
  2. M

    Tiny little critters on my coral

    So I noticed some closed up polyps over the last few nights and I saw these little spots that thought could be sand from me stirring to clean the glass but upon inspection we’re moving. Not sure what they are if they’re bad or how to remove them any help is much appreciated
  3. Daveouthere

    ID Please

    Hey all, I’m transferring some stuff into another tank and seen this guy slithering? Anyone know what the heck this creature is?
  4. AstroMelly

    Aiptasia on Turban snail?

    Hi New reefer. Is this aiptasia on our newly acquired turbo please? Thanks in advance. Iain
  5. djm

    Critter ID please.

    I have a lot of white specs appear on my glass. They are pure white and move very slowly if at all. I managed to get a sample under the microscope. I have a few trochus snails in the tank which have been releasing eggs lately after a water change. Can anyone help ID them from the pics attached...
  6. Turtilinni

    Critter ID Needed!

    Attached are photos of gelatinous blob found in tank this morning. Sitting on top of some Feather Caleurpa (might not be spelling that right but the green seaweed) there is this white blob, about half an inch or two centimetres in diameter. Tank is FOWLR, emerald crabs, starfish and astrea...
  7. S

    Weird Hitch hiker ID please

    Hey everyone, Just recently set up a new reef tank with some live rock and noticed this little guy. Shaped almost like a virus cell or an egg sac, you can see it has attached itself to the rock with multiple tendrils to hold it in place, does anyone know what this is? Maybe a sponge? If you...
  8. K

    What do I have on my glass?

    I see multiple things on my glass, my tank was empty for over a month except for all my inverts (no coral just hermits and snails) and I just added some new fish and noticed all these weird critter/things on my glass. Any idea what they are? I’ve had tiny little white worms on my glass for...
  9. V

    New to saltwater tanks, can you please help to ID please?

    Hello guys, I’m new to reefing. Can you help me ID these things; that long tentacles; those white spots on the glass (I think it’s hydroids); these white hair on the live rocks; that thing on the edge of the rock (I think it’s a pineapple sponge). And can you tell me if they are bad or...
  10. J

    Critter ID - any ideas?!

    Hi All - was doing my usual Chaeto trim and found a couple critters, any idea on this one?
  11. S

    Critter ID Help

    Hey everyone, I found this guy in my aquarium, I took it out just in case it’s bad. Would anyone happen to know if this is a good guy or bad guy for future reference incase I see more.
  12. NotoriousDMC

    Hammer Coral: What is this on stem/base?

    Hello R2R and Happy New Year!!! I have an otherwise very healthy looking hammer that I just noticed tonight (lights off) has this on it’s stem/base? I’m only about 8 months or so into the hobby and, although I’ve battled some other well known pests (aptasia and vermitids), I’ve been fortunate...
  13. C

    Mystery worm

    Hello I just got some live rock and I found a thick black worm with pointy things on it. It was in a cranny so I could not get a good look it a pic. Any ideas
  14. AstroMelly

    ID this snail eating red legged crab please?

    We just bought our first batch of livestock for our first marine tank yesterday. We bought 6xCerith, 6xTrochus, 6xNassarius and 6 red legged hermits. Looks like we are losing the crabs slowly. I think 3 are already gone (24 hours). I caught a Nassarius smothering one, not sure if he was...
  15. S

    Some type of snail on my conch and hermit crab shell.

    Hello fellow reefers. I have just noticed that my conch has some weird snail or limpet critters attached to the backside of his shell. A tongue comes out and picks at the sand and then retreats back into the shell when the conch moves. does anyone know what they are ? If so are they safe to...
  16. S

    Critter bloom!!

    Right, il admit I have let my tank get a little wild lately as I have been working so much and not had time to clean glass etc but have been feeding and changing water but I have cleaned the glass today and the tank has exploded with new critters/pest/corals! Can you guys help me I.D some of...
  17. 208Reefer

    What kind of crab is this?

    Found this lil hitchhiker tonight, anyone actually know what kind of crab it is? And please don’t just say “how cute” or “I want one” Thank you!
  18. SaltyShel

    Can anyone ID? Multiple different critters!

    Hey y’all, I need some help. I’ve got a more detailed background of my tank on my build thread, I’m going to post a few pics and if anyone can help me ID I would be so thankful. I’m going to have to restart my tank & rip clean, especially with all these issues, but I would still like to know...
  19. Wen

    Hitchhiker Experts: what could it be? Red with tentacles!

    Noticed something bright red on some live rock in a dark section of the sump a few weeks ago. 2” red parts. It’s in a hard to photograph area, tonight I crawled in with flash light, check it out! Had this rock either 2 yrs or 10 yrs idk. I need to get back in there and see if it’s a crazy...
  20. M


    Anyone have any idea?
  21. M

    What is this?

    Hello, I have a couple of those things on the glass? Any idea what they are? Good or Bad?
  22. S

    What’s this growing on my glass?

    Curious to see what this may be growing on the glass of my Copepod grow tank. There are 4-5 of these that have seemingly shown up over night. I recently moved the copepods from a 5 gallon bucket into this tank. Before doing so I thoroughly washed and scrubbed this tank with vinegar and water...
  23. Daveouthere

    ID please???

    Noticing this thing growing in the tank out of nowhere. Not sure what it is?
  24. O

    Possible Aiptasia ID

    Hi everyone, I’m a reasonably new reefer and was wondering what this little hitchhiker might be. I’m concerned it could be aiptasia but it has only slowly grown over a month or so and it has not reproduced to my knowledge. It also doesn’t look like aiptasia that I’ve seen. Any help would be...