diseas id

  1. Z

    Will this clownfish recover?

    My wife recently picked up this beautiful clown. Not sure what kind he is but his pattern is quite unique. He was sold as a “premium” clown from Petco at one of their magnet stores meaning they get all the good stuff. Their tanks are pretty immaculate and they even have saltwater specialists...
  2. K

    Royal Gramma not able to swim

    Hello, It’s now the second time in the past few weeks that my gramma isn’t able to swim properly… He’s been Laying flat on the sand being able to keep himself upright for a longer period. First incident I found him clamped in between my fragboard and the glass so I thought it’s exhaustion… He...
  3. B

    Lost my midas blenny, could an expert try and identify if it was due to sickness?

    Hello everyone, I still very new to fish keeping and reef tanks in general. I've had my tank since for almost a year. I had my Midas Blenny for 5 months and out of nowhere it started acting strange. Perched in the corner of the tank using its fins to hold itself about halfway up the tank...
  4. Herbie's Reef

    Foxfash fount with large spot/gash

    My One spot foxface has been through alot, but recently he has been extremely healthy though always eating, nice and chunky, active and eating algae. Today after coming home I saw a large lump/gash on his left side near the base of his larger fin. Not sure what happened if he had a brush with a...
  5. T

    Does my Sailfin have ich?

    These two white dots appeared on his tail. I'm leaving for a trip Monday and I'm really worried if it could be ich. I don't want my tank to get wiped out. Currently don't have my qt set up because I wasn't expecting anything. I'm running UV. Dosed Prazi in the tank following normal procedures...
  6. M

    Brook or velvet? Tank being wiped out

    Hi all, I am a long-time lurker, I have recently set up my dream reef with a reefer S850 and some nice fishes and corals. Unfortunately, this dream is turning sour, for a few days I am experiencing heavy losses, and at this point, I am still not able to identify the disease. At first, I...
  7. N

    Red spot on yellow tangs eyes

    My Yellow Tang has a red spot around both of his eyes and I’m very concerned. He is acting normal and is being fed nori pellets, flakes, and nori sheets. Anyone have any idea what it might be?
  8. Z

    EMERGENCY Need help with possible disease!

    Could someone help identify what this patch is on my clown and how to treat it? I took off for the weekend and came home and noticed this. It has not eaten today and I’ve fed twice once in the AM and once in the PM. TIA!!
  9. Kolby’s Reef

    EMERGENCY Are these white spots normal?

    Just got back from LFS and got it in the tank and noticed this. If it is a disease or ich please let me know how to treat it/what product to use. Thanks!
  10. K

    EMERGENCY Lion fish death

    Hello, I work at a pet store and the lionfish that the aquatic section had died in a very strange way. I would like to know the reason for the death so I can help make sure it never happens again It developed a weird lump then died
  11. B

    EMERGENCY Cardinal fish with cloudy eye and nodules on bottom

    My cardinal fish had one cloudy eye yesterday evening, I checked my water and nitrates were a little elevated so, just to be safe, I did a 50% water change. He was also swimming very close to the bottom so I put him in this tank that is meant for baby fish to avoid him being eaten by my...
  12. Victory652

    Unknown Affliction on my Gramma

    So I have a Royal Gramma. Beautiful fun fish to have! However a couple of weeks ago it had a grey circle on its side. So I started treating for a bacterial infection. After a week with no improvement I did a big water change and started treating for a parasite infection. Again, after a week with...