
  1. nomad6

    Need advice RTN/STN after major alk swing

    Ok so newb mistake I made, broke one of the rules. I have a 30 gal sps system (~26-27 gals) my system had been stable for the past 6 mos (big 5 alk ~9.3, ca ~440s, mg~1500, po4 ~ .05, no3 ~10 using RS PRO salt) I added 15 small frags and bigger frags (5 almost colony size) in a span of 3 -4...
  2. strawberryfish

    Is this Rhodactis bleaching, what should I do?

    Recently got a new Rhodactis from an LFS, It had fallen off the colony it was growing on in the store so they gave me a discount. It's Flesh is fairly pale but I assumed that was its just coloration, did I just buy a bleaching mushroom. It moved itself to where it is now so could it be lighting...
  3. livinlifeinBKK

    Heater Broke, Are there any toxic materials I need to worry about? please Help!

    I plugged my heater in by mistake with it outside the water because I got the cords mixed up. I realized my mistake and tried to place it in the water which was a second mistake. The tip burst as soon as it touched the water and I immediately removed it of course here are pics. The whole thing...
  4. R

    Banggai Cardinal fish sleeping(?) On sand.

    I got this guy 6 days ago and he has been swimming around and not eating, which I figured he was stressed or had eggs in his mouth or something. I'm feeding HIKARI BIO-PURE Spirulina mysis and brine shrimp twice a day. My two baby clowns are doing fine and so is my cleaner shrimp and corals. But...
  5. U

    Set Apex DOS to on instead of auto and just dosed 200ml nitrate

    Hi, I’ve just made a massive mistake on my apex, I set my doser to on instead of auto and dumped 200ml of Randys diy nitrate recipe into my 40 gallon tank by mistake, instantly increasing my nitrate level up from 5 mg/L to over 200 mg/L. It took me a few minutes to realise my mistake when I...
  6. J

    High Ammonia recovery??

    Came home from work and I noticed my orange back fairy wrasse was on top of the water column grasping for air. I did a ammonia test and it read .50! It was was currently in my 10g quarantine tank with a anthias. I panicked and I tossed him in my DT sump. Risking my other fish but I didn’t...
  7. TwiTch18

    Tank Broke, trying to save the reef!

    So my neighbour's tank broke this morning and he called me to salvage what I could. His tank was probably 55-75 gallons without the sump and had a bunch of coral, a clownfish, and a cowfish. (His hardwood floor was messed up real bad and he's wanted it all gone for a while prior to the leak)...
  8. LonitzCMU

    Sqauretail Bristletooth Tang Not Doing Well

    Hey All, I am relatively new (had the tank for 2 years but still learning.) I have a Bristletooth tang who has been fine until today (he's an original to the tank for the past 2 years.) I did my cleaning today and my pump died after I unplugged it to clean. It took me about 3 hours to get find a...
  9. tjbrownie

    Ick in my tank

    As you can see my clownfish has ick. I’ve been treating him with this imagitarium parasite remedy. It seems like it is working well and I started treatments on Friday. In the video this morning he was acting a lot worse but as I’m typing this he’s acting just normal again. So I’m just reaching...
  10. sergifed91

    Sick white cheek tang

    Not sure what's going on with my tang. Thinking swim bladder. not breathing heavy. I have had a hard time getting it to eat. I have tried dry pellets, frozen foods, garlic, dry sea weed, garlic.
  11. B

    EMERGENCY What’s happening to my long tentacle anemone???

    I’ve had this LTA for about 3 months now and it appeared to be thriving the entire time Ive had it but in the last few days it started to look pretty bad. I placed it in this shell the day I got it to give it something to latch on to until it could find somewhere to settle but it stayed out and...
  12. Lemons


    Hey folks! I got this “little red ferrari” about a week ago, and today i noticed it looks a little lumpy… now im used to the occasional spot that’ll grow into a polyp. But this looks like bubbles????? Params alk: 8.6-8.3dkh Ca: 455 Mg: 1310 Ph: 8.4-8.1 NO3: 2.5ppm Po4: 0 It’s under about...
  13. J

    EMERGENCY My carpenter flasher wrasse and tomani tang suddenly dying

    my carpenters flasher wrasse is laying down on my acclimation box and breathing heavily, tomani tang is breathing heavily but still swimming, looks like the new chocolate tang took his spot in his rock so I celared in for him but as I am writing this he is starting to lay on his side. He had...
  14. exprobratio

    EMERGENCY White Tail Yellow Eye Tang in QT on its side breathing heavy!

    Hi everyone, So I am at work right now but got a call that my white tail yellow eyed tang wasn’t acting weird! He’s on his side breathing heavily. He’s a new addition and currently has been in QT for about 1 week now. I was able to trouble shoot a little over FaceTime but I won’t be home until...
  15. E

    Mushroom splitting, or should I be concerned?

    I've had this mushroom now for about 8 months and the other day it started to look like it was forming two semi-circles, or from what I've witnessed in the past, about to split into two. However, now the mouth started to separate and you can see its "stomach" or mesenterial filaments. I have the...
  16. MnFish1

    Build Thread Red Sea Reefer 525

    My Red Sea Reefer Mixed Reef.