
  1. Kinko

    EMERGENCY All fish breathing super heavy at night after water change. Lost needle nose hawk

    Keeping this short and quick, I dosed some ropox before all of this, nitrates close to .1, phos was 100 ppm, alk low but it's always been low and stable so I doses the recommended amount after water change. did big water change, tank is 60 gallons and I did a 20 gallon water change due to tank...
  2. Icryhard

    Torch mouth open and deflated

    Today I noticed a torch its mouth open and now has gotten deflated and it looks like I can see the inside skeleton(?) Params: Kh 8 Po4 0.11 No3 20 No2 0 nh3 0 Ca 450 Mg 1425 Light hydra 26 AI HD PAR at the depth of the coral: 100+/- Temp 25-26 degrees Celsius Salinity 1026 It doesn’t look like...
  3. S

    Clownfish swim bladder issue?

    Hi everyone, I'm here again! I have a clownfish that I got from a friend, this is the story: My friend got the fish from someone that claimed the fish got picked on by other fish and that's why he brought him to my friend. My friend put him in the sump for temp acclimation then forgot about him...
  4. R


    HELP!!!! I don’t understand what is happening right now. Everything was fine up until I noticed my torch was shrunken in. Then it was like a snowball. Turns out my ATO wasn’t working so my salinity was through the roof. I fixed that but then I tested my parameters and look at these numbers...
  5. tb582

    Pink clown on side breathing heavy

    Found this little guy on his side breathing heave this am - lots of other fish in the tank including his mate and all are fine … had him for about a month. https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZEDCIVZmdw3gF6varSIaFhSoKJosJ7IGKMy I have stress guard, metroplex, focus, cupramine —- will any...
  6. L

    Possible syn/RTN on my Christmas tree worm porite, can I use RTN/STN x?

    My Christmas tree worms might have RTN or STN, what should I do?
  7. QuestionAboutThis

    Eel's Neck Stuck Bent, Gills Are Red? Need Urgent Advice. Pictures Included.

    Hi, So my father is currently trying to treat an eel in a quarantine tank. At first he was put in there to monitor his eating because he wouldn't take food from him and now he's being treated for an infection because his gills are showing red coloration. His gills weren't red when he was first...
  8. L

    is my coral dead???? can i revive it???

    my xenia started looking like this after i did a water change. my snails i think my snails and crab are also dead as they are al lying on their backs and motionless. i want to know if i can revive the coral or if its an infection, to stop it from spreading. i have 3 other corals and a clownfish...
  9. L


    HELPPP!!! I was out for 1 week and this happen 26 gallon new tank 3 months old I can see bubble coming out from it and it’s wavy What are these and how do I treat it
  10. H

    Help my BTA looks funny

    Over the past few hours my bta has slowly been shrinking in on itself from one side and I can see it’s mouth puffed up. is it something I fit it or is something else happening?
  11. Les Poissons

    EMERGENCY HELP! Losing LPS to bacterial infection?

    Looking for help/suggestions… I’m losing my LPS one after another. The losses started 2-3 months ago with a plate coral that came in damaged and an Acan from the same shipment, and the issue has been gradually been getting worse and moving faster ever since. Now I’m losing corals that have...
  12. Giantclownfish

    Grayish spots on Clownfish

    I started noticing that my clowns were acting a bit weird and noticed these kind of grayish spots on them. Any clue what this is and how to treat. Thanks!
  13. E

    what the heck is going on with my coral? Multiple coral losses.

    So it seems like it is my turn to be hit with bad luck. I can only pinpoint the issues starting around mid-December when I installed a Reefmat 500 for my Red Sea Reefer 200xl. Every since then my tank has been on a downward spiral and I cannot figure out why. This was my tank at the...
  14. T

    My clown fish has tail rot please help

    My clown fish tail has frayed looking tail had him about a month and have a lawnmower blenny,damsel,cardinal fish in the tank no reef 29 gallon how to treat
  15. SaltLife77

    Maxima Clam - HELP!

    Hi, My maxima clam is spawning, which happens from time to time. But THIS time I have cleaner shrimp and they were harassing poor Charlie (said clam) while he was spawning. Like trying to crawl in while he spawned. Then I noticed a couple of nassarius coming around. So, I panicked and put...
  16. R

    EMERGENCY Long tentacle anemone acting weird

    Idk if my lta is okay but it seems like it’s acting weird just got him a day ago any help would be appreciated if you can look at the picture and tell me what you think
  17. D

    Calcium Over Dose

    I accidently left my Calcium doser on and it dosed half a liter of ATO proessentials into my 250g System. SPS dominant tank. Before I full fledge panic. Did I completely crash my system? Any tips on what I should do? Testing to see what ALK/CA is at now.
  18. altantuyaathedoll

    EMERGENCY Fish in qt starting to become sick and clueless of diagnosis

    blue tang died as I’m writing this And coral beauty showing severe decaying flesh Fish have what looks to be bites taken out of their tails I have started melafix today. What treatment should I be using ? What is their disease ? any information will be helpful !
  19. Yehuda Dana

    Stressed regal angelfish

    I have a captive bred regal angelfish for more than 8 months. The fish was totally healthy, and used to eat anything I gave. Yesterday, I reduced my phosphate level in my reef tank, and it dropped by 0.14 in 24 hours... Today, the regal angelfish seems to be stressed - it swim in a very small...
  20. Z

    EMERGENCY Need help with possible disease!

    Could someone help identify what this patch is on my clown and how to treat it? I took off for the weekend and came home and noticed this. It has not eaten today and I’ve fed twice once in the AM and once in the PM. TIA!!
  21. J

    My fish are having 2 simultaneous disease ich and fin rot

    So I have a problem I had to QT all my fish for ich a week in the copper treatment (2.4ppm) my fire fish is showing signs of fin rot what do I do whish should I treat the fin rot or continue with the ich treatment Water quality is good I do weekly water change
  22. B

    my clownfish has popeye not sure what is the best course of action

    my clown fish has pop eye that appeared 3 days ago only one eye is affected and he is eating well im not sure what to do should i leave him in the tank and its self limited and its due to an abrasion or its a bacterial infection and i should take it out and treat it in a separate tank
  23. E

    EMERGENCY Long nose butterfly fish swimming problem

    need Help, my butterfly fish is swim abnormally with his nose up or down eat well feeding on mysis, brine, squid, krill, bloodworm, algae tanks parameter are normal
  24. B

    EMERGENCY Ecotech battery backup universal?

    I'm about to get hit by hurricane Ian, is the ecotech power backup only for ecotech pumps or is it universal??? I know I can build one cheap but I don't have time to.
  25. nomad6

    Need advice RTN/STN after major alk swing

    Ok so newb mistake I made, broke one of the rules. I have a 30 gal sps system (~26-27 gals) my system had been stable for the past 6 mos (big 5 alk ~9.3, ca ~440s, mg~1500, po4 ~ .05, no3 ~10 using RS PRO salt) I added 15 small frags and bigger frags (5 almost colony size) in a span of 3 -4...