
  1. MDAquatics

    Button scoly with an unusual diet. Concern?

    So my button scoly decided to deviate from its normal diet. I noticed the other day it had a huge lump in it, I had just added a bunch of nassarius snails but I thought "no way, they are way too big and the lump isn't big enough." I was worried though, it was a big lump. Today the culprit has...
  2. MDAquatics

    Im way past confused on this one

    So this fellas is Like in a couple days double in size and showed up from nowhere. Any ideas? Growing on an Acan skeleton.
  3. Chela101

    Hannah checkers phosphate difference

    Hello, I have always been using api testers and then upgraded to salifert. But I want to get a phosphate Hannah checkers. But on BRS they have 3 kind which are phosphate ultra low range PPM then the. Phosphate low range colorimeter, and the last one phosphorus ultra low range. I want to know...
  4. chicken_parm

    Unknown Hitchhiker

    These guys are all over my tank. I have looked everywhere and asked many people, and no one seems to know what these are. They seem more active at night and when trying to touch the tentacle it retracts. I know it is definitely not a bristle worm or vermitid. And I do not think these things...
  5. OishiiSato

    NooPsyche k7 III *Help with settings for IM Nuvo 20!

    Hey all, I've recently moved from a 35g cube to the IM Nuvo 20. Just trying to see if I could get any help, or any QR codes, with other peoples settings. I just dropped my normal settings down from 1/2 since this tank is 1/2 the height of the old one and bubble coral + hammers don't seem to be...
  6. C

    Trouble Setting Up New Apex

    Hello, I just bought a new A3 Apex. I’m trying to set it up in the Fusion app (iOS) but I’m not succeeding. I can get the logo to turn blue and the hot spot/network will pop up. Once I click join, it leaves a message “Connecting to your Apex…” but it just keeps spinning there. I have tried set...
  7. R

    Recovering Octospawn tips

    I got this octospawn at my local LFS for 10$ earlier in the month because it was having issues with the tissue receding and figured i would take the risk cause it so cheap and if i could help it recover it would be a steal for that price. It hasnt gotten much better but it also hasnt gotten much...
  8. seefour5

    Nano Build High ammonia for an unknown reason, pls help!

    Hi, I have a Fluval Evo 5. The tank has been running for about 6-7 months now, absolutely no issues until now. I had a pike blenny and a elongate dottyback (too small of a tank and overstocked, I know, was planning on moving them to a 16 gallon) until both vanished one day. I pulled apart the...
  9. M

    Help! Coral Beauty curved

    Since about 8 hours ago my coral beauty fish has had a curve and is struggling to swim. They have been on their side but have had no luck in straightening their body out. Any tips or anyone know what this might be or what caused it? Thanks in advance
  10. W

    Anemone help!

    Hi all. My anemones has been looking worse and worse over the course of the past month or so. Started off looking awesome which I have attached to the pics. Since then I’ve had one move all around the tank and the other just not fully opened. Parameters are below. Would appreciate any insight...
  11. B

    What is this on my candy cane coral?!

    I saw these dark “bubbles” show up. I tried blowing them off with a turkey baster and they wouldn’t budge. Tried nudging them and they’re somewhat firm (didn’t pop). Tank is 4 months old; have been working to get dinos under control. Is this related? Any idea?? Pic attached!
  12. GeriatricReefer01

    My green leopard wrasse disappeared.

    I introduced a leopard wrasse to my tank yesterday he immediately dug directly into the sand when he was introduced and haven’t seen him since
  13. P

    Help, Mandarin Goby.

    Hello everyone, I recently bought a Mandarin Goby for my year and a half 32 gal saltwater tank, for the past 2 weeks I've seen him pecking at the substrate and rocks all the time which I suppose means there are copepods in the tank, but still he seems to be very thin and is not eating the live...
  14. Salty_Northerner

    Never see this before any help with what this is?

    Any idea what this is? I just got a frag today and not sure what it is. The coral is a red monti
  15. jp415

    Yellow Tang Bruised?

    Hi all, Seeking some advise on what this could be on my yellow tang. It just started a few days ago. Looks like it's bruised or maybe an infection? Has a couple bristles sticking out the red area. Could this possibly caused by bristleworms? The yellow tang eats and swims just fine and no...
  16. F

    Ai Prime 16HD wont run schedule.

    Hey all, I'm having trouble getting my 2 Ai Prime 16hds to run their schedule. I downloaded one of the recommended lighting schedules directly from AIs website. It works perfectly on my original Ai Prime (non hd) but I cant get my 16hds to do anything. When I run the "schedule preview" the...
  17. mBoN

    Hello Emergency help for gorgonian coral

    Hi. Im need to reef keeping. I have added gorgonia white coral in tank three days ago. And now it’s depleting like white stuffs on it. Please check video. Help me thanks
  18. J

    Tube things on underside of rock

    Hi all, A short intro: I'm new here, but have had a salt water tank for approximately 2 years. I've only ever had corals, clowns, emerald crabs, coral-banded shrimp, gobys & snails. That being said, my current tank consists of a clown, an emerald crab, 4 turbo snails & a conch snail, along...
  19. BrokeBudgetReef

    Vectra l2 keep leaking

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to see how many have ran vectra l2 pumps externally and if you had issues with leaking. Current situation is my first l2 started making a noise so I contacted ecotech and they asked me to pull the pump apart and clean it. I did as was asked but then spent 4 hours...
  20. T

    Help! White strings under coral flesh

    Wondering if someone can help. Just saw these white strings under my frogspawn flesh can anyone tell me what’s going on with it? My tank is still new basically a month old. It’s my first tester coral been in the tank for about 3 weeks was doing fine and then I notice the strings. Going through a...
  21. H

    Please Help Me Identify the Algae

    Mods please delete this post, wrong forum.
  22. J

    Is this Aiptasia?

    This GSP frag attached to the backwall has been in the tank ~3-4 weeks, the little critter in question seemed to be attached to the GSP. It looked similar in color to the purple mat of the GSP, so I thought it was the GSP stretching to grow onto the back wall. Today the little guy has moved...
  23. 1Matthew

    Corals Not Doing So Well

    Hi All, I have a 90 gallon tank and have noticed some coral that aren’t doing so well. The first guy is a bowerbanki, which I have had for a while. It looked great at first, until I switched my lights and it looks very shrunken with skeleton exposed. Originally, I had 2 AI Prime HDs but switched...
  24. belly14

    Ich reappearance AFTER Hypo

    Firstly, APOLOGIES as I know there are a million and one threads already about Ich treatment and management etc but I read so many I then get lost as to what to do so I thought I'd explain my situation and see if there is any specific advice to me... So new marine tank had Ich after about 2...
  25. Maddlesrain

    Blue Spotted Puffer Overate?

    I have a blue spotted toby that has 'clamped' himself to a rock and doesn't seem to want to swim around. He has never done this in the four or five months I've had him. He's usually right at the front of the tank begging for food when I get home from work. I have fed him a bit heavy this week...