
  1. Great Reef Coralation

    Diamond Tailed Wrasse 2 Inches

    Hey Everyone! I recently put in an order for my business, and they accidentally shipped me a Diamond Tailed Wrasse (even though they charged me for it). I typically only put in special orders for my customers who are looking for something specific, and then a lot of clean up crew. I have seen...
  2. Z

    EMERGENCY Came home and my torch and hammer looked like this. What’s going on.

  3. N


    Ive been dealing with aiptasia for months on end, I'd say around 7 months. I first used the Red Sea aiptasia x, as I was advised to do so by my local fish shop (who coincidentally introduced this into my tanks!) it didn't work, they all spread, they got huge, they reproduced and now that entire...
  4. seefour5

    Mystery crab

    At work today we had a crab come in that nobody can identify. We got it in a batch of emerald crabs, and it was labeled as a black emerald crab despite it not being one. Any ideas what it could be?
  5. Lucastank

    How to clear up

    Tanks levels good- fish seem happy and corals are growing like crazy! Almost 1 year with the evo - was a project me and my 2 year old did- mostly me a he watched ha. Been great. But lately even with water changes I seem to keep getting what I believe diatoms on the sand - and the very...
  6. gowlers321

    Feeding a large engineer goby

    I bought a foot long engineer goby but I'm struggling with feeding. He doesn't try to eat silversides or small shrimps but does look at them. I feed my tank frozen mysis but feel like little pieces of mysis won't sustain him. He also hides when I approach the tank so spot feeding is pretty...
  7. Cole_Voeller

    Torch Tissue Recession

    Hello all, So a little while ago, I had a huge issue arise with my frag tank. A lot of my LPS was killed, and everything that was still alive I had to throw into a 10 gallon coral quarantine tank. Between what happened, the transfer, and the unstable parameters of so many frags in such a small...
  8. B


    I think one of my clownfish has velvet. I have noticed him the last 24 hours not eating and breathing very heavy. I also recently lost a flasher wrasse and a fire fish. What should my next step be? I still have 1 other clownfish that is moving around well and eating and same with the other fire...
  9. TbSaysNo

    regal angelfish eating my expensive scolymia :(

    just got a bunch of corals sent home. I have acans, torches, zoas and Duncans that the angelfish does not eat. BUT, my newly added scolymia is often being nipped at by my angelfish. THE VICTIM: THE PERPETRATOR: What should I do? it is taken a very harsh toll on the scaly sadly. no...
  10. KameronManning

    Cycle within a week?

    Just moved and have had my fish in holding for a month at a lfs. Finally was able to get my tank set up yesterday. Need to get my fish out of holding because they’re charging me an arm and a leg. What’s the best way to ensure success if I want to add them in a week. I’ve added used/established...
  11. emonemo25

    1 year in but water still cloudy

    My system is a 1000L FOWLR tank which has been running for almost a year. Ever since the tank has been running it seems to always have a slight cloud to the water. It’s not very noticeable when looking at it from the front, however side on makes it quite apparent. It can be hard to see one end...
  12. Nitrites

    EMERGENCY Reef Guidance Needed!

    Hey Reef2Reef! Im currently battling with algae and some other things, and I thought I would explain everything here and hopefully receive some much-needed help or thoughts on my tank. I have chosen to over-explain everything to hopefully not miss anything that could be causing me issues, I...
  13. M

    Trachy regressing for weeks, help me to help it !

    Hi all, My trachy is regressing from the basis for a few, could you help me to save it? I try to feed live mysis or Artemia each other day. The feeder tentacles are still out. Should I do something else ? I did an ICP test, everything was pristine except maybe a bit of copper but not in the...
  14. S

    moving cross country with corals?

    has anybody moved across the country (or just far) with corals? trip is about 1,400 miles give or take and would be a 3-4 day journey truck has outlets so i can plug in a heater / internal filter was thinking a 5g bucket with custom caddy as to keep things in place and some small chemi pure...
  15. M

    EMERGENCY Single White spot on Naso tang

    So I noticed today there was a single white dot on my naso tangs tail and a small white patch on my Anthias. All my other fishes looks fine. Should I be worried? Possible ich? I feed mysis/nori/spirulina brine. Sometimes pe pellets,and the green algae pellets. I feed pellets with some garlic...
  16. C

    EMERGENCY ph drops i add soda ash it’s fine for a day then crashes again

    hi, i have a 125 gallon saltwater tank with fx6 canister filter i just clean out/ deep clean and after my ammonia spiked, so i added some instant remover to it no i have .25 ammonia, .25 nitrites , 52 nitrates ph 7.6 ish. i’ve been dosing small amounts of soda ash to raise the ph but it crashes...
  17. W

    Can someone help me figure out what’s wrong with my torch

    I’ve had this torch coral for about 4 months now and recently has been looking like this. It looks like the head of the torch is showing and it’s almost pushing itself out to show its head rather than the thick tentacles covering it. My two other torches are doing just fine and have thick...
  18. hds4216

    HELP in Northern Colorado area - fish, inverts need good home immediately

    Moving tomorrow (Aug. 1) transcontinental and the person who was initially going to take them backed out. All FREE to a good home. I've contacted an LFS near me and have that as a backup but would prefer a fellow member as opposed to an LFS. List of livestock: - Two regular ocellaris clowns...
  19. J747

    Why is my Kenya Tree side ways?

    Hello, Im new with soft corals and purchased this Kenya Tree today. It’s been sideways since I put him in my tank. Tank has been running for 2 months and has passed the nitrogen cycle. Parameters Alkalinity: 11 Ph: 7.8 Phosphate: 0.2 Calcium: 450 Magnesium: 1300 Ammonia: 0 Nitrate:0...
  20. R

    Leaking HOB 2-gallon refugium. How To Fix?

    My Aquamax HOB Multi filter with protein filter ( Is leaking out of the seams and I need to know how to fix it before I get 2-3 gallons of water dunked onto my carpet. It is about a year old now and...
  21. Ahmed Talib

    EMERGENCY AI Hydra Lights help

    Hello, All I need is help setting up AI Hydra Lights. I have 2 AI Hydra 26 in my 30 gal tank. Length 30.625 IN Height 19 IN Width 13.25 IN And now my HD Hydra settings are this. Please check the attachment. I run it from 10 am to 10 pm, 12 hours daily. I heard people saying. blue light is...
  22. L


    My peppermint shrimp laid eggs and I guess they hatched ?? I’m just shocked, they are flying all around and there’s a lot of them dying I’m sure.. I don’t know what to do!! I have a 30 gallon tank, 7-8 weeks in I have one tailspot Blenny and one neon goby (just some to start off) 2...
  23. N

    What is happening to my torch?

    Context: 3 gallon aio Only other corals are a small Duncan. Had in there since may and he was doing great opens up every day and looked amazing. Then I wake up this morning and I see this. One of the head is just gone. Bear with me I am new to the hobby but is it just closed or completely dead...
  24. Chrissymalti

    EMERGENCY Black Tang not eating with bacterial infection.

    I’m reaching out seeking for help regarding a black tang. It is day 7 since I put the fish in and he still has not eaten a morsel, nor does he have any interest in feeding. I ordered this fish on reefpro where they said their fish are inspected and cared for before shipping, but clearly not. Ive...
  25. C

    Nero 3 pump issues

    Hey everyone, I recently just purchased an AI Nero 3 powerhead. So far I love the device very pleasing to look at and isn’t all bulky or anything. But I’m having a problem with the speed. I have it scheduled to run all day at a constant speed of 50% it will run at 50% for about 15 seconds then...