
  1. Juicereef

    White spotted anemone shrimp parasite?

    Hi gang! My little guy has a trilobite shaped critter on the left side of his body underneath one of his spots. Can anyone help me treat/identify this? Manual removal, soak etc. it looks like some sort of predatory isopod and am worried it could spread to my 6 sexy shrimp.
  2. R

    Coral dip

    Can coral dip kill parasites like Brooklynella, I have a suspicion that my coral had been in contact with it.
  3. R

    Disease trouble

    Can velvet or brooklynella stay dormant in a clownfish for 4 weeks without appearing? I think my clownfish I have had for almost a month is starting to exhibit symptoms of brooklynella.
  4. K

    EMERGENCY Reef tank and clown

    Hi everyone .So i’ve been lurking around for ages and its my time to traumatize you all .I set up a 20 gallon with 2 clown (orange ones) and a couple of soft corals (i’ll attach a photo) .Its been about 1 month ,and its going badddd .today i lost a clown ,so i’ve been doing research all day and...
  5. Scaggs1117

    Help! Acan coral looking weird

    So I came home and saw that my acans that have been flourishing are now sort of odd and shriveled looking. Almost appears to be brown in coloring. Any idea what this could be? They are frags btw they have 3 or 4 polyps each
  6. mattybecks

    SNB + Marine Micro Fauna - Brackish Water - Cirolanid Isopod

    I wasnt sure what heading to use for this question so I just put all the keywords in there. I have done research online but haven't found anything to be a solid enough answer. 3 Questions in short: - Is Saltwater Nitrifying Bacteria (SNB) exactly the same bacteria as found in Brackish water...
  7. P

    Philaster guamense detected on SPS. Should I worry?

    I got an acro frag from a friends tank that was struggling (STN) hoping to recover it. eventually I dipped it in revive and saw dozens of small black organisms coming off. After microscopy examination, I ID'd it as Philaster guamense based on morphology and having microalgae (zooxanthellae) in...
  8. daniel_mourra

    EMERGENCY Foxface with weird ulcer like spot on skin

    Hello My Foxface was in Copper Power Treatment (at 2.5 ppm) for 14 days due to an ich outbreak. During Copper Power Treatment i dosed the water with 200 miligrams of Nitrofurazone to avoid any bacterial infections and did 100% water changes every 3 days. The last day QT i noticed a spot like a...
  9. O

    Hard, egg looking things on zoa.

    Hard, tiny things all over zoas. They come off as strings when pulled. They do not seem to move at all. Among them was a small grub like animal that was ~2mm in diameter and had a see through body. It looked like a tiny shrimp, I could see two black eyes. Wasn't able to get picture. Also, red...
  10. D

    Clownfish sudden death - suspected brooklynella or bullying?

    I noticed one of my clowns had some signs of his pelvic fin being nipped at, but I mistakenly thought this was from the female bullying him and establishing dominance.. A week or so later it looks like he’s losing coloration near his stomach, which looks like it’s turning transparent from his...
  11. Sikorskym14


    Over the last two weeks I’ve had two fish go on me, the first was my scopas tang. Looked so weak he was laying down all over the tank so I pulled him and put him in QT, however he eventually passed. Now, about a week or so later I find my blonde naso tang looking a bit weak and swimming a bit...
  12. grimreefer911

    What is this centipede-like bug? Are they harmful to fish?

    Hello, I recently started noticing 2 small white centipede like “bugs” on the glass of my tank. They have antennaes, many “feet” like a centipede, move slowly, and are completely white. The bugs are very small but still bigger than pods. My tank has been fallow for 8 weeks now following a...
  13. H-C6179

    EMERGENCY URGENT- Clown fish Parasite?

    Hello there, thanks for the forum. New to reefing, however if I may get some advice here. Cycling completed and added 2 clowns to begin. All parametres are fine however this little fella seems to be off a bit? Possibly a parasite infection? Foesnt appear to eat when food is put in? Any help...
  14. B

    Parasite ID on clownfish

    I need help identifying these spots on my clownfish. They look like whispy gray blotches on top of the skin. Irregular shape. They have had these spots for a couple weeks. Doesn’t look like ich velvet or brook to me but I could be wrong. The video makes the spots look more circular than they...
  15. Reefifier

    What are these? Eggs, snails or what?

    I found these on the bottom of a ceramic plug rack that was on the sand. You can see a frag plug hole in one of the pictures. There seems to be a dark spot inside, it's not moving and one popped when I tried to flich it off
  16. N

    Zoa Pox? Zoas Closed up

    Hi Everyone, I'm afraid I might have zoa pox. Since yesterday, my zoas have started closing up. Just now I noticed a white spot on one of the closed up polyps. Could this be anything else? Is there any good treatment for this?
  17. chemicals

    Cleaner shrimp black gills

    Hi all, One week ago my cleaner shrimp’ gills started to turn blackish. At the moment didn’t really think much of it and after a molt it was back to normal. Then several days ago it came back and now it’s really black (see picture). I searched the internet and only found 2 similar cases where...
  18. chemicals

    Mysterious snail deaths and behaviour

    Hi all, Currently dealing with such a frustrating phenomenon. Two months ago one of my trochus snails started flipping itself on purpose. Even if I put it right again, after 5 minutes it flipped itself upside down again. Apparently this has been reported but no real explanation/cause has been...
  19. Trigger1

    Clownfish growth, Uronema vs infection-both?

    Saw large growth on clownfish two days ago. Doing 90 minute RRR dips on both clowns for seven days. Does it look like an infection or Uronema?
  20. S

    Puffer fish has something under his skin

    Hey guys anyone have any clue what this could be on my puffer? I treated the tank with parasite meds but I’m a beginner and I don’t know what’s going on I want to help him I have no clue how to please if anyone has any suggestions it’s getting darker and has been about 2 weeks since I noticed it
  21. maxemorris

    What’s on my hammer? Help!!

    I just moved my livestock to a new tank, and when I picked up my big hammer colony for the first time in months it had these dark worms and white spongey stuff all over the base. What is it? Is it harmful? I see some of the same white on another hammer. What is it?
  22. F

    Help please

    I had a fish that had trouble swimming. When she passed it seem like my other fish got what she had. both of their symptoms are trouble keeping afloat and breathing fast. She is not eating much. I think it's a parasite that passed on when the other fish died. I don't know what i should do. Any...
  23. John.Thompson

    Bizarre Egg/Parasite. Identify!

    I was cleaning the tank and come across and bizarre creature/egg on the inside crevices of my powerhead. Looking for some identification and guidance. Cleaned them out with hot water, frag dip, and some scrubbing. Tank Critters: I have blue leg hermits, emerald crabs, turbo snails, tiger sea...
  24. chemicals

    EMERGENCY Clownfish not eating and stringy white faeces

    Hi All, since 3 or 4 days one of my clownfish won’t eat and only swims/lays on the bottom. I noticed that he lost some weight and he won’t eat. The other clown does eat but doesn’t “look” all that healthy. I manage to capture them and put them in my quarantaine system. I figured it’s most...
  25. chemicals

    White spots on clove polyp

    Hi, today I noticed some white spots on my clove polyp. It kinda looks like zoa pox. Does anyone have experience with this? thanks