First saltwater tank - stocking advice needed


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Copied and pasted this from the sticky post that doesn’t seem to get much traffic anymore...First post here, been lurking for a couple months though. Have got lots of awesome information from others' questions on this thread already, so I figured I'd create an account and post my own question.

46 gallon bowfront DT (36" wide x 16.5" deep in the middle x 20" tall), with 40 pounds of Arag-Alive sand and 40 pounds of CaribSea South Seas dry rock. Cycled with Seachem Stability. Have a pair of Koralia 850's running and filter is a Fluval 407 cannister running with mechanical filtration and two of the media baskets filled with Maxspect nano-tech bio-spheres. Glass lid with small holes along the back edge for filter tubing. Lighting with Current 5105. See photos for lid, aquascape and current inhabitants. Planning on adding corals; beginner at first and then possibly some more advanced ones as I learn more. Also planning on adding a BTA eventually (I’ve been told it’s best to wait at least 6 months, maybe 12 for tank chemistry to really stabilize before getting a BTA - true?).

Current inhabitants are:
2 juvenile occ clowns (one Da Vinci and one mocha)
1 royal gramma
CUC of 3 nassarius snails and 7 hermit crabs

My first question is, I would like to add a melanurus wrasse and possibly a flasher wrasse eventually; are the openings cut along the back of my lid too big to keep them safely in the tank?

Second question is about my final stock wishlist. Our wish list of additions is listed below, but the melanurus is the only one that's a "must have". Planning on about 7 fish total, adding them slowly with frequent water parameter checks. Looking for suggestions about specific varieties of flasher wrasses, the best order and combination for additions, as well as other ideas for a “centerpiece” fish if the consensus is that dwarf angels will be too hard on corals or too aggressive.

-Melanurus wrasse
-flasher wrasse - will the melanurus make the flasher flash? Or do I need a 2nd flasher of a different species to make them display? Would like suggestions for the best species of flasher for a wow factor.
-chromis of some sort - looking for a variety that does well as a single. I like how they look in a small school, but I don’t want to take up a bigger chunk of my bio load with several of the same species if it will prevent me from getting something else I have listed here.
-angel as a centerpiece fish if it won't destroy my corals. I've read that I'm probably limited to dwarf varieties with this size tank, but I've also read that they can all nip at corals. What would work best? Coral Beauty? Flame? Others? If I do end up getting an angel, I know it has to be added last. Also open to other ideas for a centerpiece fish; I know most butterflies get way too big, but I know there are a couple smaller varieties, would any of them be appropriate for this size tank? Would they be even harder on my corals?
-goby/pistol shrimp pair or an algae eating blenny like a bicolor or tailspot. Is the sandsifting of the goby or the algae eating of the blenny more useful long-term to the tank in your opinion? Any preference of blenny vs goby/shrimp pair as far as viewing enjoyment? Neither of these are particularly high on my wish list, but I thought they would add a little variety to the tank as well as do a job.
-open to other fish ideas as well, in general I like active fish species.
-would love any other feedback anyone has!

Thank you in advance!

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Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?


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A little curious why there's lots of activity on the forums, but no replies to my questions in 2 1/2 days? Am I making rookie mistakes here? Bad choices with my tank build? Just a boring question that people have answered a billion times already and don't feel like putting time into?


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Hmmm. Well I am a complete newby so I can’t give any helpful advice. I will bump your thread though.

It’s sort of weird I one has responded. I have asked a couple of questions and gotten very helpful responses quickly. maybe the opening post is too long?

I would be interested in centerpiece ideas too. I am a little leary of dwarf angels eating corals. It seems really hit or miss from my reading.


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Copied and pasted this from the sticky post that doesn’t seem to get much traffic anymore...First post here, been lurking for a couple months though. Have got lots of awesome information from others' questions on this thread already, so I figured I'd create an account and post my own question.

46 gallon bowfront DT (36" wide x 16.5" deep in the middle x 20" tall), with 40 pounds of Arag-Alive sand and 40 pounds of CaribSea South Seas dry rock. Cycled with Seachem Stability. Have a pair of Koralia 850's running and filter is a Fluval 407 cannister running with mechanical filtration and two of the media baskets filled with Maxspect nano-tech bio-spheres. Glass lid with small holes along the back edge for filter tubing. Lighting with Current 5105. See photos for lid, aquascape and current inhabitants. Planning on adding corals; beginner at first and then possibly some more advanced ones as I learn more. Also planning on adding a BTA eventually (I’ve been told it’s best to wait at least 6 months, maybe 12 for tank chemistry to really stabilize before getting a BTA - true?).

Current inhabitants are:
2 juvenile occ clowns (one Da Vinci and one mocha)
1 royal gramma
CUC of 3 nassarius snails and 7 hermit crabs

My first question is, I would like to add a melanurus wrasse and possibly a flasher wrasse eventually; are the openings cut along the back of my lid too big to keep them safely in the tank?

Second question is about my final stock wishlist. Our wish list of additions is listed below, but the melanurus is the only one that's a "must have". Planning on about 7 fish total, adding them slowly with frequent water parameter checks. Looking for suggestions about specific varieties of flasher wrasses, the best order and combination for additions, as well as other ideas for a “centerpiece” fish if the consensus is that dwarf angels will be too hard on corals or too aggressive.

-Melanurus wrasse
-flasher wrasse - will the melanurus make the flasher flash? Or do I need a 2nd flasher of a different species to make them display? Would like suggestions for the best species of flasher for a wow factor.
-chromis of some sort - looking for a variety that does well as a single. I like how they look in a small school, but I don’t want to take up a bigger chunk of my bio load with several of the same species if it will prevent me from getting something else I have listed here.
-angel as a centerpiece fish if it won't destroy my corals. I've read that I'm probably limited to dwarf varieties with this size tank, but I've also read that they can all nip at corals. What would work best? Coral Beauty? Flame? Others? If I do end up getting an angel, I know it has to be added last. Also open to other ideas for a centerpiece fish; I know most butterflies get way too big, but I know there are a couple smaller varieties, would any of them be appropriate for this size tank? Would they be even harder on my corals?
-goby/pistol shrimp pair or an algae eating blenny like a bicolor or tailspot. Is the sandsifting of the goby or the algae eating of the blenny more useful long-term to the tank in your opinion? Any preference of blenny vs goby/shrimp pair as far as viewing enjoyment? Neither of these are particularly high on my wish list, but I thought they would add a little variety to the tank as well as do a job.
-open to other fish ideas as well, in general I like active fish species.
-would love any other feedback anyone has!

Thank you in advance!

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I can’t answer all your questions but ironically I was at my LFS this evening and the owner showed me a Melanurus Wrasse. I said that I was interested in getting one and he suggested a fairy wrasse instead. He said as the Melanurus gets larger it will eat shrimp and snails. Basically, my clean up crew. So I’m rethinking it now. I love the look of the Melanurus tho!


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I haven't had a wrasse but I have read about people having problems keeping them when they get to about 4 inches in 40g tanks, which are also 3 ft tanks. You could do a flasher, and if you are worried about the openings in the back put a small piece of netting across the holes. For an Angel I would say the Coral Beauty would be your best best, but again with a 3 ft tank a full grown coral beauty and full size Melenarus could have issues.
Personally I believe you can have 7 fish in your tank, but you will probably need more rockwork, each one likes to claim territory, they wont spend all day and night in the upper water column, and at night will want to have their own areas for rest.

Good luck, Bumping for ya


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The slit is definitely too big and any fish could jump out, wrasses are just far more prone to jump. You can easily cover it up with some egg crate. My guess would be so few replies because it is a long post but yeah I have a Melanurus and it's a great fish. Heliochorus got a bad wrap for a long time because some of them get huge and could definitely eat things you paid good money for but the Melanurus stays small. Dwarf angels can definitely be an issue with coral but many keep them just fine, it's simply a risk. The rest of your list is fine. Algae eating blennies and gobies are definitely a good idea. The Sailfin blenny and court Jester Goby are two of my favorites.

Oh and Welcome!


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Looks like I just needed to whine a little bit ;)

Thanks for the bumps and tips, everyone, keep 'em coming!


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Welcome to R2R. It is very odd that you haven’t even been flooded by the welcome wagon gang since you posted it in the new members forum. Maybe the #MODS can copy and post in a better place for you.

Sorry cant help you on your selections as I am still planning my build. From what I have read no large angels in your tank, to small. Suggest you check out LiveAquaria web site they do a good job of describing fish, tank parameters needed, and compatibility.

Good luck with your build, looks like a great start. By the way which Monona are you from? If WI come join the 608 Reefers group. We have a local forum on this web site.


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Think of your tank as an apartment building; who do you want as tenants? And where do you want them to live -- the basement, the ground floor, or up at the top? A good mix of fish will not only add interest and beauty, but each have their own habitats -- and hopefully stay out of each other's way. Of course, that's not going to happen, but you can probably minimize housing disputes from the get-go with a little planning.

If you do go with an angelfish, give it lots of hiding spaces and places to explore. I have a multicolor and two orchid dottybacks -- that's it -- in my RSM 250, and I hestitate about adding any more fish because that angel has simply claimed the entire tank. It's certainly not a bully, but just blows through the dottybacks to get to whatever captures its interest: the algae scraper; snail poop; random bits of GHA it uprooted in the tank; and food, food , food. It's a wonderful fish, and I find that I'm shaping the aquarium around its needs, and not my wants. I'm sure many people will suggest that 46g is too small for a dwarf angel. My 66g is about right for the angel right now, but if it doubles in size I'm going to upgrade. Not even Red Sea supports the RSM line any more.

Wrasses like to swim.

I can't say enough good things about purple firefish, either. They're beautiful, spectacular fish, but they like hidey holes and I've heard that they can be timid, although mine bosses around an orchid dottyback and a diamond goby in my Evo.


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Welcome to R2R. It is very odd that you haven’t even been flooded by the welcome wagon gang since you posted it in the new members forum. Maybe the #MODS can copy and post in a better place for you.

Sorry cant help you on your selections as I am still planning my build. From what I have read no large angels in your tank, to small. Suggest you check out LiveAquaria web site they do a good job of describing fish, tank parameters needed, and compatibility.

Good luck with your build, looks like a great start. By the way which Monona are you from? If WI come join the 608 Reefers group. We have a local forum on this web site.

Yes, Monona, WI. I'll definitely look for that right now, thanks!

I'm pretty sure I've clicked on every marine fish on liveaquaria multiple times over the last 2 months - what a great website!


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Welcome! The only advice I have is go slow. Give a month or so between adding fish. Let your system get accustomed to the changes.


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Welcome to the hobby. Your rock is really white which means your tank is still young. I feel like the dry base rocks really extends the time in which we can add corals and anemones. Be prepared for the ugly stages because they're coming. The pluses of using dry rock is we avoid some of the nasties than can accompany live rock and it's cheaper. The down side is that the cycle time to a stable environment is SOOOOO much longer. I wish I used 50% of live rock. I just finished a battle with cyno, it was not fun. Hope it's gone for awhile.

My advice is to begin building up routines, spreadsheets, logging, testing equipment etc. and let the tank chill a bit while it stabilizes a bit more. If you're doing corals/anemones I highly suggest titration tests for CA, Alk, Mag. I like the Nyos test for nitrate and the Hanna ULR phosphorous for phosphates. Do you use RODI?

Not an expert at fish stocking of a 46G tank, but I do always suggest utilitarian fish. Since yours is a bit small for a tang, I would suggest a lawnmower blenny or similar algae eating blenny. Do you quarantine fish?


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Welcome to the hobby. Your rock is really white which means your tank is still young. I feel like the dry base rocks really extends the time in which we can add corals and anemones. Be prepared for the ugly stages because they're coming. The pluses of using dry rock is we avoid some of the nasties than can accompany live rock and it's cheaper. The down side is that the cycle time to a stable environment is SOOOOO much longer. I wish I used 50% of live rock. I just finished a battle with cyno, it was not fun. Hope it's gone for awhile.

My advice is to begin building up routines, spreadsheets, logging, testing equipment etc. and let the tank chill a bit while it stabilizes a bit more. If you're doing corals/anemones I highly suggest titration tests for CA, Alk, Mag. I like the Nyos test for nitrate and the Hanna ULR phosphorous for phosphates. Do you use RODI?

Not an expert at fish stocking of a 46G tank, but I do always suggest utilitarian fish. Since yours is a bit small for a tang, I would suggest a lawnmower blenny or similar algae eating blenny. Do you quarantine fish?
Yes, I use RODI, I have a small RO Buddy system at home that gets me down to 0ppm TDS. I’ve been doing testing with an API test kit and refractometer so far. I know I’ll need to get more testing equipment before I can keep corals. I expect that I’ll be somewhat limited in what corals I can get by my light as well; the reviews that I read say that it’ll do for many, but not the most demanding. As far as quarantining, I haven’t been. I’ve been reading about it constantly the last couple weeks though and am currently debating my options going forward. I do have a 10 gallon tank and HOB filter I was planning to use as a hospital tank as needed, but don’t know if I’m going to quarantine every fish, invert, and coral that I bring in. Have been contemplating using a UV sterilizer to help reduce the prevalence of infectious agents and treating ill-appearing fish in a hospital tank. Not totally set on that though.


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I have a mccoskers flasher wrasse and they are beautiful and peaceful but you should add it before the angel or other wrasses so they can establish themselves. As for angels I have a flameback and multicolor I’m a reef tank with no problem, they haven’t touched any. In my other tank it’s a 3ft long 30 gallon and I have a Pygmy with no problems


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I have a mccoskers flasher wrasse and they are beautiful and peaceful but you should add it before the angel or other wrasses so they can establish themselves. As for angels I have a flameback and multicolor I’m a reef tank with no problem, they haven’t touched any. In my other tank it’s a 3ft long 30 gallon and I have a Pygmy with no problems

Do you have any other wrasses in the tank with the McCoskers flasher? Does he display for you? That's one species that I've had my eye on... thanks for the info!


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Please help me figure out the best order of additions if this is my fish list.
2 small occelaris clowns
1 Melanarus wrasse
Goby/pistol Shrimp pair
1 chromis
1 flasher wrasse
1 coral beauty


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Please help me figure out the best order of additions if this is my fish list.
2 small occelaris clowns
1 Melanarus wrasse
Goby/pistol Shrimp pair
1 chromis
1 flasher wrasse
1 coral beauty