Homers 80G Started on RC


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OOh pics. jkust took one of my green slimer(easiest one to get pics of). You can see the skin is gone, but the polyps remain. So I'm not sure how to proceed?

nearly all of my sticks are effected this way, and others are acting like nothings happening?

If I can find it I will post a monti pic at the end.
Have you had a temperature shift at all, I have no idea what causes this but there has to be a catalyst, I just left my montis to it, lost both pieces of Lakers over about 3 months, a couple of small comebacks but lost eventually, good luck.


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Apr 24, 2018
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Nope no temp shift that I'm aware of. Apex says 78.6 to 78.9, basically my daily swing.

I've got nothing, all water parameter check out, sent out an ICP, and ordered a test from a @AquaBiomics.

Just have to let it ride I guess. Thanks for the look see though.


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Finally got the schedule 80 bulkheads in from BRS. Only took 3 weeks!

But at any rate, I finally have a working mixing station that doesn't leak! I will never again use or suggest anyone use uniseals.



In my tank, whatever caused my some of my SPS to bleach(thought it was RTN, guess I still have quite a bit to learn when it comes to SPS) seems to be over, and the green slimer actually seems to be coloring back up. It's still mostly white and it still has all it's polyps, but the base is starting to color back up.

I still have no idea what caused it, but a major WC(close to 90%), and fresh carbon every other day for the last week or so seems to have halted it.


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Unfortunately it seems my melagris leopard is passing too. I've noticed over the last couple weeks she has been getting thinner and thinner despite plenty of pods, and regular feedings(she used to eat anything I put in the tank).

While I haven't been paying too much attention(my fault I know, but sometimes life gets in the way of the hobby), I did notice yesterday how thin she has gotten and she is also pinched right behind the head. She still came out every day, and swam around the tank like nothing happened.

While watching her intently yesterday I noticed her upper and lower jaw was slightly unaligned. I'm assuming she must have hit her beak on something(probably the bottom glass) and broker her jaw/beak. I've had other leopards do this also. 99.9% of the time this is certain death for these types of wrasses, as they cannot catch or eat after. It is certainly going to be her undoing. She still comes out, but is very thin, lethargic, and lays on the bottom of the tank only slightly swimming once in a while. If she lasts another day or 2 I'll be surprised. I feel for her, I really do, but unfortunately there is nothing i can do for her.

I have never had to remove dead fish from my tank either. They just disappear like magic. lol


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Apr 24, 2018
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Well just did an order with saltwatefish.com. First Time i have ever ordered from them, but 99% of the reviews around here were all good.

Blue eye kole tang(yellow eye always seems to be a ******, so lets try a blue eye)
Black leopard wrasse
exquisite fairy wrasse
Love my wrasses and the wife has always wanted a black leopard.

And last but not least:
Pink tuxedo urchin


Figuring out the hobby one coral at a time.
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Got my fish in from saltwaterfish.com minus the black leopard......

I have to commend these people on their practices. Apparently the black leopard wasn't able to be shipped(was told it had ich), they called me monday afternoon to see what I wanted to do. Either cancel the order, or ship the rest and have the black leopard shipped when it was ready. I chose the latter, and was told that even though the one fish didn't meet the requirement for free shipping, because it was part of another order that did qualify, they will ship the one fish out free of charge when it was ready!

Now that is what I call awesome customer service!

Other 2 fish came in in perfect shape. Fat, happy, and eating from the second I put them in the tank(NO I don't QT anymore). Blue eye kole doesn't seem to be as much of a d*ck as the yellow eye variant, and the exquisite wrasse made it out of my acclimation box(forgot to latch the lid), so he's swimming and hiding somewhere. Hopefully he makes it, and I see it come out to eat. The one other long finned fairy I have is a slight bully, as it chased my last exquisite to death even though long finned fairy's aren't supposed to be aggressive. Apparently mine is!

Green slimer is making a slow comeback! It's regained some of it's nice green flesh on the lower branches, and even the bit's that are still white, still have nice green polyps extending every day. I'm very hopeful it makes a full recovery.

Fox flame, princess peach, strawberry shortcake, and pinky the bear look to be toast. Not sure they are exactly fully dead yet, as they turned very brown, but still have a few polyps showing throughout the day, so I'm hopeful they may pull through.


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LOL reading back and looking at pictures.......I always ***** at people for using purple primer on their plumbing, simply because it looks like cr*p running down the pipe, when clear is just as good and it can't be seen, and I used purple primer! Didn't even notice I picked up the purple stuff at lowes instead of clear.

Just found that funny!


Figuring out the hobby one coral at a time.
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Guess it's update time.......

All my SPS seem to be recovering quite well. Green slimer is actually green again, some others are either green or brown, but not dead. Most of what I thought had died, was just PO'ed and have since turned color and have decent polyp extention. On the note of polyp extention, I never had any real PE before the bleeching event, but I certainly have it now. No idea what changed to cause it, but I'm OK with it. Still don't know what caused the bleaching issue(apparently it wasn't RTN or STN), but glad it's over. Odd how different corals are effected, yet others just soldier on like nothing even happened.

My female melagris did finally succumb to starvation(poor thing, I feel horrible, but not much I could do with a broken beak, and I certainly couldn't catch her). My melanarus and yellow corris are squabbling. Apparently the mel has gotten to it's adult size, and wants to be the alpha male. The corris isn't having any of it, so they squabble from time to time. No nipping, just flaring out of the fins, and some chasing, but overall a peaceful protest it seems, and my other fish still seem to think the coris is the alpha, as they chase the Mel away when they start squabbling.

Got in the female black leopard! I cannot say enough about saltwaterfish.com! Excellent service. Think I posted above about putting in an order with them and they txted me the day they were supposed to ship saying the black leopard wasn't fit for shipping. I got a txt 2 weeks later saying the fish was now doing very well and eating anything they gave it so would I like it to ship out?

I was fully expecting to pay their $55 shipping as the one lone fish did not meet their free shipping criteria, but all 3 of the original order did meet it. Not only did they not charge me shipping on the first 2 fish(again 2 fish didn't meet their criteria for free shipping), but they didn't charge me shipping on the one fish either! I will most certainly be doing business with them again.

Lets see what else since I last posted.......

Bought an eheim auto fish feeder. Granted the thing is only $30, but what a huge point of sale! First time it fell in the water, toast. Something that is supposed to go over a fish tank(giant bowl of water) would be at least water resistent. One would think they would have at the very least epoxied the circuit board so a little water wouldn't fry it. NOPE! So went on amazon and bought a cheap chinease knockoff that actually works better, lol. Think I might try the neptune AFS, but at $100 it's a hefty price tag for something that doesn't get rave reviews. Any one out there have the AFS and knows it's not junk as most reviews seem to say it is? BRS has always had good things to say about it, but we all know what I think about BRS if you follow me at all.

Thinking I might go do the LFS crawl today in Syracuse. Need some frozen food, and would love to try some TDO chroma boost, but hate putting in small mail order orders. Kind of curious if anyone has any yellow tangs for sale to see what they raised their price to.


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Totally forgot about pics, and I always think of my build thread at times when my lights are off.


Everything seems to be doing great at the moment(did I just jinx myself?). All my SPS have colored back up, algae at bay, fish happy, and equipment running well.

Although I only ever fed my fish 1 time a day a very heavy feeding, someone suggested I get an autofeeder. Well I bought the eheim one. Lasted all of 4 weeks before evap killed it. One would think something thats designed to be over a large vat of water, would at the very least have a conformal coating on the circuit board. Nope not the eheim one. I actually cracked it open to see what the issue was. The display worked, displayed correct time, I could program it, it's just the motor that turns the drum would not shut off. Once i cracked it open I found a lot of salt creep on the circuit board and several burnt spots on it.

While I did notice a positive from the auto feeder(feeding TDO chromoboost, NLS, and algae max pellets), more vibrant colors from the fish, less aggression, SPS actually displaying polyps, etc, etc. I decided to get another, but certainly not the eheim that everyone suggest. I considered the AFS, but the majority of reviews suck on it. When in doubt, just google! Every link that wasn't the eheim one was some cheap knockoffs on amazon. Bought one of those, and in the last 2 weeks I have had 0 issues with it.


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Well another clown down the drain!

No idea what happened or where it went. Came home yesterday, and my wife asked me if I had seen the male clown.

Being as I work 16 hour shifts on the weekends starting on friday, I didn't really pay any attention to the tank other then to feed it on saturday, and I'm usually tired enough just to feed the fish and not really pay much attention.

Well it seems my male clown either crawled off and died in the tank somewhere, or it jumped and I cannot find it. Had that guy for about 5 years now. Kind of disappointed to not see him in the tank.

Looks like I'll be on the lookout for another small clown. No idea what variant I'll get this time though. Maybe a true perc, or some fancy occ. Hopefully my already very dominant and large female will accept another male.

For me, a marine tank just isn't complete without a pair of clowns.


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I am so happy I found this thread. I am about half way through the RC one so far. Tank looks great! I am about to finish the planning stage on my upgrade. I am trying to decide between the SCA 80 or the 90 cube. The only reason I am considering the 80 is because he offers a real wooden stand with it and MDF makes me nervous. I will have my sump outside of the stand and have my current 32g Fiji cube tied in as a Display Fuge. Is the MDF stand still holding up well for you or would you still prefer to have the real wood one? The other question I have is about the lighting. 32 vs 36 inches and the lights I want, Reef Brite XHOs supplemented with my Kessil a 360 wes. Will the 36 inch lights work and not bleed too much into the room or should I do the 24inch ones? Thanks and I look forward to finishing this thread.


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I would have gone all wood if that was an option back when I got mine. The MDF has fallen apart from moisture, and one corner has actually fallen a bit(I'll post a pic). I'm the process of planning a new stand build out of marine grade ply. That will be a spring project as I want to do it when we replace the carpet with vinyl plank.

I find the 36" doesn't bleed to much light at all, But I have T5's and not LED's. Back when I started the tank I had 32" Mars Aquas, and they bled quite a bit off to the sides. With the 36" T5's and reefbrites, I get very little bleed, and I get very decent par for frags in a rack on the side glass.

More then happy to answer any more questions you got. :D


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Forgot pic!

As you have read from my thread back on RC, this stand was sealed with silicone in the seams, and painted. Yet water still found a way to wreck the MDF.


You can see the crack in the paint, that corner from the pressure has actually crumbled. I have put a level on the tank many times over the years, and despite the corner crumbling, the tank has remained level. This is one of the reasons I need to build a new stand. I have a fear it's just going to let loose one of these days. I plan on making my new stand identical to this, but with marine grade ply.


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Forgot pic!

As you have read from my thread back on RC, this stand was sealed with silicone in the seams, and painted. Yet water still found a way to wreck the MDF.


You can see the crack in the paint, that corner from the pressure has actually crumbled. I have put a level on the tank many times over the years, and despite the corner crumbling, the tank has remained level. This is one of the reasons I need to build a new stand. I have a fear it's just going to let loose one of these days. I plan on making my new stand identical to this, but with marine grade ply.
80g it is. I want the extra 4 inches in length, but it is 400 bucks less. I don't want anything but the tank and wood stand. I am pretty sure he will sell it to me with free curb side at the reg rate. No sump, pump, or skimmer. I can't wait to upgrade.


Figuring out the hobby one coral at a time.
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Yeah I'm sure if you called Steve he would sell just the tank and stand. I actually got the 80 only because I originally called for a 60 cube, but he had none in stock. Said he had an 80 cube sitting on the floor he would sell me for the same price as the 60.


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@Ippyroy Hey same exact issue I'm having debating between the 80 and 90, I think I'm going to end up going with the 80. If you end up able to call him and get just the tank and stand could you let me know with the price, I might do the same. Otherwise might just build the stand myself if its too expensive from SCA.

@homer1475 Beautiful setup man, I'm new to salt water and think I want to try and start a classic clown and anemone reef in the same 80gal. The 2 mp10s you have, do you think I should do the same or go for mp40s?


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If I was to do it again. I would buy 40's and sell the 10's.

Only reason I have the 10's is they came from my biocube, and they worked. So I have kept them. Of course whether you go 10's or 40's is dependent on what you want to keep in the tank.


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If I was to do it again. I would buy 40's and sell the 10's.

Only reason I have the 10's is they came from my biocube, and they worked. So I have kept them. Of course whether you go 10's or 40's is dependent on what you want to keep in the tank.
Ok good to know, just curious if the mp10s created enough flow to be adequate for everything in the SCA 80 during your experience think ill go with the mp40s then. Thank you!