*** R2R Secret Santa 2020 - Official Registration Thread ***

Santa Claus

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Nov 15, 2018
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North Pole
R2R Secret Santa.jpg

Ho! Ho! Ho!! It's that time again!! I'm excited to invite you to join the fun for the R2R Secret Santa 2020 gift exchange!

Those of you who've joined us before know how much fun this will be, and for those of you joining us for the first time, you're in for a treat! This is going to be a great time to share holiday cheer with one another!!

I mean lots of us have family and friends who just don't get this crazy hobby of ours, and let's face it, they're probably more likely to get you another pair of socks than that thing you really want for your reef hobby... ;) But this gift exchange will be different because it's FOR REEFERS BY REEFERS! This will be lots of fun for everyone!!

Here is how it will work:
  • Members can sign up between now and November 15th.
  • As you sign up, you'll get a link to the gift exchange on Elfster (it's the Secret Santa exchange website/app that we use to organize the gift exchange) where you'll need to register and create your own wishlist for your Secret Santa.*
  • Secret Santas will be assigned in batches of 100 (so we'll be monitoring this number as you guys sign up). The final matchup will take place on November 15th for those who aren't matched before then.
  • The total value of the gift must be at least $25.00. Please keep in mind that you may go above the minimum, but you may not receive the same in turn.
  • Buy or make gifts and ship them by 12/7/2020.
  • Delivery confirmation is mandatory and will need to be sent to @Santa Claus and/or updated in Elfster.
  • Due to issues with shipping internationally, we need to make our participants outside the USA aware that if we don't have any other participants from your region or country, you may be matched with someone of a different region/country. As long as you are ok with that, you are welcome to join in the fun! (Feel free to PM Santa or @Hermey with any questions.)
All R2R Secret Santa participants will receive a special SS banner under their username.

To sign up, you will need to do these 3 things (PLEASE DO ALL 3):
  1. PM @Santa Claus with your contact information (name, email, and country you're located in so that we can PM you the link to sign up on Elfster and join the gift exchange).
  2. Post in this thread with your answers to the questionnaire (see below) IN THIS THREAD (this is our official registration thread).
  3. Join our R2R Secret Santa 2020 user group (CLICK HERE). *Btw, there's a glitch that may make your build thread badge disappear when you join. CLICK HERE to easily add it back.
Secret Santa Questionnaire:
  1. What country are you located in?
  2. What is your shirt size?
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind?
  4. What is your gender?
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. What is your favorite fish?
  8. What is your favorite coral?
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock*

If shipping coral we ask that you notify @Santa Claus and @Hermey via PM when you would like 2 ship so we can notify recipient and make sure they will be able to receive it. If recipient can't be there we will ask them for 2 other days and work out with sender. (We don't mind playing the go between here to keep it more a secret.)

*A note on creating your Elfster wish list. Our minimum gift amount is $25, and you shouldn't expect more than that to be spent on a gift. HOWEVER, please feel free to throw anything you'd like on that list. I find it's fun for folks to list out even those crazy expensive things they'd like, so put that new 300-gallon custom tank on there! LOL No harm in dreaming! Go wild! Also, as you look at the wish list created by your recipient, don't be alarmed if there are items on there you won't be able to buy them. Please don't feel obligated to spend more than you planned. Remember, it's a "wish list," and there's no harm in their wishing. :) While it's great to be generous, your recipient isn't expecting you to give more than the minimum. From experience, I know that your gift (whatever it may be) will bring joy because of the thought and kindness that goes into it.

Also, notice that we have a special Secret Santa forum going on! Feel free to start other threads in here to talk about everything Secret Santa related, holiday related, or just anything you want to talk with all of us other SS peeps! #R2RSecretSanta


We're going to do one last draw for anyone who wants to sign up but didn't get in before the deadline! The rules for this one will follow the same guidelines as in our original post except that I need everyone to sign up by the end of today, and your deadline for mailing your Christmas gifts will be Christmas (This only applies to those joining now. Everyone else please follow the original deadlines.).
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Santa Claus

Santa Claus

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Nov 15, 2018
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North Pole
Also, be sure and subscribe to our official R2R Secret Santa hashtag: #R2RSecretSanta. That way, everytime I make an announcement, I can use that hashtag to send you an alert.

To subscribe, do the following:

1) Click on the hashtag here: #R2RSecretSanta
2) Click the "Watch" button

That's it!! You're subscribed!!


Grower of the Small Polyps
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Mar 12, 2018
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Charlotte, NC
Awesome! Looking forward to another fun year!

  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is your shirt size? Large
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? This is a dangerous question. Anything sweet!
  4. What is your gender? Male
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? Movies and working out
  6. What is your favorite color? Blue
  7. What is your favorite fish? Copperband Butterfly
  8. What is your favorite coral? Any Acropora
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* Yes. I love Acro's of any kind. ;)
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* Yes
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Check me out on IG!
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Jun 6, 2018
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Orlando, FL
So excited! Last year was so much fun!
  1. What country are you located in? United States
  2. What is your shirt size? XXL
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? Pretzels, Iced Tea, Coffee (Nespresso and Starbucks)
  4. What is your gender? Male
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? Reefing, Pen Turning, Board Games
  6. What is your favorite color? Orange and Purple
  7. What is your favorite fish? Clownfish
  8. What is your favorite coral? Frogspawn and Bubble
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* No
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* No


Well-Known Member
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Apr 10, 2017
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  1. What country are you located in? United States
  2. What is your shirt size? XL
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? Chocolate, Sarris Chocolate cover pretzels, Any gummies
  4. What is your gender? Male
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? PC gaming and starting to get back into photography a little
  6. What is your favorite color? Blue
  7. What is your favorite fish? Achilles Tang/ Almost any butterfly (almost want to do a themed tank)
  8. What is your favorite coral? Any that i can grow, zoas, mushrooms. Though really like hammers and torchs
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* Yes, I would be okay with receiving livestock, corals would be ideal over fish but wouldnt say no to a fish
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* No, as I've never shipped livestock before and wouldn't want to risk it being first time during the worst time of the year to ship


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Oct 5, 2019
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This is great, thank you R2R and all of you silly reefers!!

  1. What country are you located in?USA
  2. What is your shirt size? Medium
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? Chocolate and brie lol
  4. What is your gender? M
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? Cooking, baking, photography
  6. What is your favorite color? Dark purple
  7. What is your favorite fish? Gem tang
  8. What is your favorite coral? 24k HG
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* No not at the moment.
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* We are willing to try :)
WOW thank you R2R

Happy holidays everyone!!


So many pedestrians so little time
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Jun 19, 2016
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  1. What country are you located in? Usa
  2. What is your shirt size? 2x or xlt
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? Anything peanutbutter. Resses peanut cup or peanutbutter m&m
  4. What is your gender? Male
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? University of Michigan.
  6. What is your favorite color? Purple
  7. What is your favorite fish? Queen angel.
  8. What is your favorite coral? Leathers, zoas just started sps
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* im not sure weather around d these parts is really iffy
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* no
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Kellie in CA

Valuable Member
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Jun 5, 2017
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So Cal
  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is your shirt size? I don’t really wear T’s, but my daughter wears XS.
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? Dark Chocolate, Gummy Candy (no allergies)
  4. What is your gender? F
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? Succulents, Prismacolor
  6. What is your favorite color? Fuchsia
  7. What is your favorite fish? Clownfish
  8. What is your favorite coral? Rainbow Trachy
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* No, my little tank is pretty full at the moment.
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* No


2500 Club Member
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Nov 12, 2018
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St. Louis
  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is your shirt size? Large
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Extra toasty cheez-its and welches fruit snacks Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? No
  4. What is your gender? Female
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? Tie dye, house plants, resin pouring and watching movies
  6. What is your favorite color? Orange
  7. What is your favorite fish? Regal angel
  8. What is your favorite coral? Anything that isn’t an encrusting type or acro; they don’t do well with me.
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* No
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* No


The best bad influence
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Jan 15, 2019
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Charlotte, NC
Heck to the yes, I am in! I was looking at my badges and thinking I was missing one.... Then I realized which one.

  1. What country are you located in?
    • USA
  2. What is your shirt size?
    • Medium
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind?
    • I like salty things - chips, etc.
    • I also enjoy Resese peanut butter cups
    • Godiva carmel Chocolate squares.
    • Chocolate covered cranberries
    • TEA
  4. What is your gender?
    • Female
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests?
    • Yoga
    • Reading
    • Video Games
    • Board Games
    • Camping
    • Teaching
  6. What is your favorite color?
    • Teal
    • Navy
    • Gold
  7. What is your favorite fish?
    • Any with a personality
  8. What is your favorite coral?
    • I seem to really like brain corals.
    • My overall favorite coral is the war paint scolys that really look splattered with paint.
    • I've just recently become aware of wilsonis. Based on how much I like brain corals. It is not urprise that I want to learn more about them.
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock*
    • I would not be opposed. But not sure I need any fish, unless I do an upgrade between now and then.
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it*
    • I think I'd be more likely to give a gift card. I did give a WWC gift card last year as part of the gift. I don't really have more than 1 or two corals that are at a point where they could be fragged yet.


Living the Reef Life
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Nov 18, 2012
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Fontana, California
Woohoo! So excited for this!!!
  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is your shirt size? XL
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? Most anything chocolate, coffee, Takis, cookies (chocolate chip and oreo are always great)
  4. What is your gender? M
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? My car (Infiniti Q50), coffee, movies & TV shows, music (I play guitar and keys), I also collect Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Marvel memorabilia
  6. What is your favorite color? BLACK
  7. What is your favorite fish? Oh geez...hard question... I like wrasses. My dream fish would be a Madagascan half-striped flasher wrasse, but I also really love the Johnsoni and hope to own one of those someday.
  8. What is your favorite coral? Another hard question. I like acros and most any LPS.
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? Sure! Most any corals. The tank is pretty bare at the moment. I'm also fine with not receiving corals. *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock*
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* Sure.


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May 10, 2017
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Secret Santa Questionnaire:
  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is your shirt size? XLarge
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? Snickers candy bar, take5 bar, basically anything chocolate
  4. What is your gender? Male
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? Wood working, movies, camping
  6. What is your favorite color? Orange
  7. What is your favorite fish? Achilles tang
  8. What is your favorite coral? Millipora/Acro
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* No, currently moving and in the works of upgrading tank!!
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* No, currently moving and in the works of upgrading tank!!
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5000 Club Member
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Apr 4, 2020
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Im ready!!! Let the participation begin!
  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is your shirt size? Medium
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? No allergies! Anything not spicy = delicious!
  4. What is your gender? Female
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? Movies, embroidery, art in general. I’m trying to start a T-shirt collection of coral vendors :)
  6. What is your favorite color? Yellow!
  7. What is your favorite fish? Copperband Butterfly, Madagascar Coral Croucher, Longnose Hawk, Cherub Angel (so many favs I’m sorry they’re all so pretty)
  8. What is your favorite coral? BTA or zoas!
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* Yes. I love zoas!
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* Yes!


Well-Known Member
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Jul 10, 2020
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  1. What country are you located in?U.S.A.
  2. What is your shirt size?Large
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind?dark chocolate anything and yogurt covered pretzels.
  4. What is your gender? Male
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? my 3yr old Daughter, my Audi cars and anything Audi branded (I am an Audi brand Ambassador and worked for Audi of America’s for 5yrs), Star was memorabilia (just look at the art over my tank and you will se the force is strong with me lol)
  6. What is your favorite color?Blue
  7. What is your favorite fish? Mystery Wrasse
  8. What is your favorite coral? Oregon Tort
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock*yes any SpS since I’m about to start stocking my tank.
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* Yes if the recipient doesn’t mind it coming from a coral store directly.


New Member
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Apr 26, 2019
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  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is your shirt size? 2XL
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? Pizza, wings
  4. What is your gender? Male
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? Star Wars- I collect Dave Dorman prints.
  6. What is your favorite color? Green
  7. What is your favorite fish? mandarin and gobies
  8. What is your favorite coral? Colorful SPS. Sticks
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* Yes. Sps.
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* Yes I would be happy to.
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Oct 31, 2019
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Clanton, Alabama
  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is your shirt size? XL
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? M&MS
  4. What is your gender? Male
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? Camping, Beekeeping, and Alabama football
  6. What is your favorite color? Red
  7. What is your favorite fish? Mandarin goby
  8. What is your favorite coral? Zoas
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* not at this time due to shipping problems.
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* not worth it with shipping taking too long in my area.
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Valuable Member
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Jun 13, 2018
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  1. What country are you located in?US of A
  2. What is your shirt size? Large
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind?
  4. What is your gender? M
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? Motorcycling, Bonsai,
  6. What is your favorite color? Purple
  7. What is your favorite fish? All the ones in my tank
  8. What is your favorite coral? Montipora Beachbum, alter ego like species
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* Yes
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* No


I'm a Derpus
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Mar 14, 2017
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Brevard County FL
I'm in again!

What country are you located in? USA
What is your shirt size? Medium
What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? Nuts, :rolleyes: , no allergies or other considerations.
What is your gender? Male
What are your hobbies or other interests? Firearms, Cars, Tech related stuff
What is your favorite color? Titanium
What is your favorite fish? Blonde Naso Tang
What is your favorite coral? Torch
Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* No, don't trust shipping during holidays, and with Covid it will be even busier this year!
Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* No, don't trust shipping during holidays, and with Covid it will be even busier this year!
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Active Member
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Mar 12, 2019
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St. Louis, MO.
  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is your shirt size? XL
  3. What are your favorite foods or snacks? Any allergies or special considerations that need to be kept in mind? pistachos, girl scout Caramel deLites, M&M's
  4. What is your gender? male
  5. What are your hobbies or other interests? microbrews, boating, computers
  6. What is your favorite color? blue
  7. What is your favorite fish? blue ribbon eel
  8. What is your favorite coral? acans
  9. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* no
  10. Would you be willing and able to give livestock as a gift? *We will aim to connect those who would like to give livestock with those who would like to receive it* no

WHITE BUCKET CHALLENGE : How CLEAR do you think your water is in your reef aquarium? Show us your water!

  • Crystal Clear

    Votes: 33 35.1%
  • Mostly clear with a tint of yellow

    Votes: 51 54.3%
  • More yellow than clear

    Votes: 5 5.3%

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 4 4.3%