What is your favorite movie of all time?


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Jun 3, 2017
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Sierra Vista, AZ
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I'm a filmophile for sure, so it's hard for me to name a favorite of all time. I have to break it down into categories and even then I feel like many films get left out that are worthy of mention.

So by genre-

Sci-fi: the gold standard is Ridley Scott's Blade Runner. (Others just missing the cut, 2001 a Space Oddesy, Interstellar, The Martian, too many to list.) The Vangellis soundtrack...perfect. Because of my love of the original it makes me wary of sequals, I mean look at those horrible Star Wars sequals... shudder. Nuf said.

Comedy- again, way too many that are worthy to list but I'll go with The Big Lebowski. Hard to go wrong with the Cohen Bros. I could list about 30 more but I won't.

Classic- this might be the hardest for me. What can I say, I'm a film buff and have a huge collection. I guess because of how beautiful it is, the cinematography was unparalleled- Lawrence of Arabia. I couldn't live with myself without this film in my collection.

Film Noire- Double Indemnity. What other kind of film could cast Fred McMurray as a black hat??? Brilliant.

Cult film- I'll go with The Aventures of Buckaroo Banzai across The Eighth Dimension. John Lithgow was just priceless in this.
A close second to BB is Dark Star.

Horror- another difficult one, not because of so many to choose from but rather I just don't find many films that scare me. Lol. I guess it would be between the Kubrick classic The Shinning and The Silence of the Lambs. Just about any Hichcock film get thrown in here also. I prefer character driven, tense suspense films than to gore for gore's sake. Splatter/torture **** doesn't interest me. Lynch's Eraserhead should also be mentioned here for its sheer nightmare surreal quality.

Western- I'll go with Tombstone simply beacase of Val Kilmer's performance as Doc Holliday.
John Wayne fans will hate me, but the Cohen Bros remake of True Grit was superior to the original. Sorry.
All the Sergio Leone films are right up there also. No one did dramatic close ups as well as Sergio did.

I usually don't partake in threads like this (because of my love for film) and it might tell you something about folks that you respect so much in a field of expertise (reef keeping in this instance) that maybe we don't want to know. Art, music, literature, film...these things matter. So, now everybody knows I'm an art house film snob. Great. I couldn't help myself as I have insomnia right now.


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Aug 22, 2008
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Tom Hanks here. Forrest Gump, Green Mile, Apollo ? (Don't remember #, 13?) and many more. Not Tom Hanks but The Jerk is probably the funniest movie

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