
  1. B

    wrasse QT question

    Hello everyone I recently purchased a bunch of wrasse to QT and place into my display tank. I put sand in the tank so that they have a place to sleep and not stress out too much along with some PVC. I will start copper power tomorrow or the following day once they’re all settled in. I know...
  2. Nutramar Foods

    Male Yellow-Band Velvet Wrasse

    The Cirrhilabrus Wrasses are known for their stunning colors and resilience. Among them, the Yellow Band Velvet Fairy Wrasse stands out as particularly amazing. These wrasses thrive on a diverse diet, including frozen meaty foods, marine pellets, and occasional Nori Seaweed for variety. Due to...
  3. H

    Six-Line Wrasse Bloated — Dropsy or Constipation?

    Hi! We have a 6-line wrasse whose belly has become distended in the last 24 hours. We had a fish recently get sick and pass (a dwarf angel who got one-sided popeye and began swimming weird), but we retrieved it from the tank before it actually died (to control the ammonia). We tried to feed the...
  4. taytay_1119

    Wrasse compatibility for 75g

    I have a 75g tank I’ll be setting up by end of the year. There’s a crap ton of wrasse that I like and need a way to narrow it down. Which wrasses are compatible or you would recommend for a 75g? I’d like to have 2-3. The wrasses that I have taken a liking to are: •Potters wrasse...
  5. A

    Carpenter Wrasse confirmation/sex

    I purchased what was sold to me as a Carpenter Flasher Wrasse almost a year and an half ago. It originally had deeper colors with almost a purple hue and blue lines that don’t show well in the picture. It also had a longer dorsal fin. Once acclimated the colors pretty much faded away to what it...
  6. SCH14

    Rhomboid Wrasse Concaved Skin?

    Hey everyone, Just added a rhomboid super male that was in QT for 20 days. I can try to get better pics (Ik it’s a horrible pic) but this is him in my 310g Any idea what this weird white sunken area is on him?
  7. L

    Two yellow corris wrasse together advice/experience

    Well to my surprise around three weeks ago, I mentioned something to someone at Petco about them getting a yellow wrasse in however the following week I went to my local fish shop and they had a nice one that I bought and he is currently in quarantine recently went to my Petco Two days ago and...
  8. J

    Thalassoma wrasse predatory nature question

    I am well aware wrasse of the genus Thalassoma specifically Lunare, Hardicke and Paddlefin are extremely aggressive and will destroy a cleanup crew. I know they can also bully small fish but is it true wrasse of this genus will actually prey on small fish as well? Would damsels, anthias...
  9. J

    Shipped fish came in nearly dead, Will it survive????

    Hey all, I recently purchased a Melanarus wrasse that arrived yesterday. Upon opening the bag I noticed the fish floating upside down. I thought it was dead, but then I noticed it breathing and swimming, however very unbalanced. It seemed like it was a swimbladder issue and on the verge of...
  10. L

    Starting Copper Power and Prazipro after Questions

    Hey Guys, I am looking to get a yellow wrasse Saturday and planning on QT this guy. My plan is to add him to the QT and watch him for about 2-3 days and make sure he eats and settles in and then start dosing copper power. First is this ok to do or do I need to start Copper right away or Have the...
  11. L

    Yellow wrasse questions and quarantining

    Hello everyone, I just set up a 75 gallon tank and currently have three pajama fish in there that seem to be doing good and eating fine. I also have a anthias in my quarantine tank that I will be adding within a week or two my local fish store has a really nice small yellow wrasse. That is very...
  12. belly14

    Fairy Wrasse ID help…

    Hi All, Just picked up a fairy wrasse and can’t find online the specific type? Can anyone ID this one for me? Thanks in advance!!
  13. J

    40B Stocking

    Hello All, I have a 40 gallon breeder with 5 fish and would like to add one more blueish/colorful fish. I am looking at the melanurus wrasse but don't know how compatible they would be in this tank. Any suggestions on this fish or others would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!! Current...
  14. R

    Can I add this to my reef tank?

    Hello! I recently set up a 40 gallon IM cube tank and I’m planning on making a reef. I cycled it correctly and I set up an aquascape with lots of places to swim and hiding room. I haven’t put anything tin yet but I am going to this weekend. I really really like some tangs, fox faces...
  15. A

    Looking for an Earl’s Fairy Wrasse

    Hi, looking for an earls fairy wrasse, not sure if anyone is selling one. Thanks!
  16. M

    Stocking my 90gal

    I’m looking for stocking ideas for my Red Sea 425xl g2 47.2Lx25.6x21.7H 91 gal with 23gal sump Skimmer and reef mat I have room for and will eventually do a refugium Tank is 3 months old I currently have 2 ocellaris clowns 1 firefish 1 royal gramma 1 black leopard wrasse 2 Banggai cardinals...
  17. himynameis

    WTS - Bicolor Angelfish 3.5” / Six Line Wrasse 2”

    I have two fish to sell: 1. Bicolor angelfish 3.5” $60 2. Six line wrasse 2” $40 I got these in a tank purchase and don’t have room with my current livestock. Both healthy and colorful. Photos don’t have good light in the hold tank so not doing them justice.
  18. G

    would these fish harm other shrimp species?

    I’m setting up a 40 gallon tank at the moment, and for a while i’ve been planning to get sexy shrimp which prevents me from getting some other fish species i like, the longnose hawkfish, six lime wrasse, and a jawfish, would these fish go after, Cleaner shrimp, Maybe a fire shrimp, Anemone...
  19. marisp127

    Stocking List - Yay or Nay?

    Alright guys, thoughts on this stock list for a 75 gallon? - mandarin goby/dragonet - molly miller blenny - pair of ocellaris clowns - possum wrasse - flasher wrasse (linespot) - ruby head fairy wrasse - melanurus wrasse (or other Haliochores of similar size) - unsure about this one
  20. F

    Rare fish stocking

    I have a 200 gallon, 7’ by 26” by 26”, heavily filtered. I already have Hi fin snapper 8” Naso tang Female 9” Magnificent foxface 7” Emperor angel 6” Polleni grouper 5” Blue throat trigger 5” Purple tang 4” Bi color angel 3 Powder blue tang 3” Want to add Achilles tang Male blonde naso tang...
  21. 1Matthew

    Massive Fish Death

    Well, seems like all my fish which just arrived Monday are dying. Many came seeming to be very stressed and some with physical signs of some sort of problem. So far, 5 of them have died. This is mainly anthias and wrasse. They pretty much all seem to start having rapid respiration and develop...
  22. P

    New yellow coris wrasses keep dying

    I’ve recently purchased a yellow coris wrasse from marine collectors and followed their acclamation protocol and noticed that the fish was floating upside down and not moving much but I figured it was just stressed from shipping so I put it in my tank with my other fish which are all either from...
  23. V

    Nano stocking

    Hello, I’m looking to stock my Fluval evo 13.5. I saw someone on here that stocked theirs with a pair of ocellaris, a yasha shrimp goby, and a six line wrasse. I’m suprised how many fish they have in the tank since I see most people saying the maximum would be a pair of clowns. Can I stock mine...
  24. AdotBdot

    Wrasse or Other Fish Suggestions for my final addition

    Hi all, I have a waterbox X 60.2 (55 gallon system, 38 gallon display). I have cycled my tank for 2 months. 1st month ghost feeding, second month with snails. I now after 4 months have 7 fish and want to add one final fish to finish it up and then keep maintaining it. I have a planned upgrade...
  25. BenConrad

    Help diagnosing acute skin issue with orange back fairy wrasse

    Hello, I acquired this wrasse from the LFS on Sunday evening (~72 hours ago). He looked perfectly healthy and skin was clear. Before introducing him to my QT tank (20 gallon, established bio filter), I did a (prophylactic) Ruby Reef Rally bath (1tsp/gallon) for ~80 minutes. Copper power in the...