
  1. LEOreefer

    melanurus wrasse Question.

    So I got a Melanurus wrasse about 3 days ago. He’s a cool fish eats well and very active with one small problem. He hides in the sand bed when my daylights are on. I work overnights so my daylights run from 130-1030pm. During this time the wrasse is hiding in the sand bed even when I feed. I’m...
  2. Jimmyneptune

    Wrasse lying on side breathing heavy

    I have a Lineatus Wrasse that I have had for 2-3 years. He was healthy and active last week. The rest of my fish are doing great as well as my corals. I went away on vacation and had someone feed my tank daily, probably overfed my tank. The first day back with my lights on I noticed him lying...
  3. Gator2019

    Fish ID- “rescue fish”

    I local store was breaking down their tank and gave me their fish. I was able to ID everything else except for this one. I just wanted to make sure it won’t be very aggressive because I noticed after a day that my Tomini tang was nipped and my 1” clowns were acting defensive. The others added at...
  4. KMench

    Quarantine of new Ornate Leopard Wrasse

    Hi All, I recently ordered an ornate leopard wrasse (Macropharyngodon ornatus) and she came on Tuesday. Initially, she dove to the bottom and skated around looking for sand. I "helped" her from the glass to the sand bowl and have seen her a few times since. She looks ok for now, but I just...
  5. Treasure Coast

    3-5 female Darwin's Glow fairy wrasse WTB

    Looking to buy 3-5 female Darwin's Glow Fairy Wrasse. I have a male for about 1.5 years, now it is time for some friends. Please pm if you have or know anyone selling. I tried most vendors on here already, no one has any. Live Aquaria is the only one who ever had any, that I know of. Thanks for...
  6. 1

    Safe to keep more than one Exquisite Fairy Wrasse?

    I currently have an exquisite fairy wrasse from Africa but was wondering if I can add another one from a different region, i.e. Vanuatu. The tank is 6ft long and is 125gals. I have heard of aggression issues but I absolutely love the color/beauty of exquisite wrasses. Anyone have any experience...
  7. Cirrhilabrus Complexes: Inferiority Need Not Apply (1st Revision)

    Cirrhilabrus Complexes: Inferiority Need Not Apply (1st Revision)

    Cirrhilabrus, the “Fairy Wrasses”, are one of the most elegant, active, and colorful reef fish. Their appeal in a reef tank is common to many, but not all have a well-rounded understanding of the compatibility amongst them. Enter the notion of “complexes”: groupings of very closely related...
  8. want2bsleepy

    Wrasse compatibility

    Anyone keep a wrasse with their ponies? I know it is recommended not to, but I'm really having trouble finding another fish as beneficial as a wrasse when it comes to parasites. I'd like to know who has kept them with success in a seahorse tank. Or perhaps a royal grama?
  9. arnoldndana

    Newbie to this site

    I'm new to this site and still learning how to navigate my way around here. I'm fairly new to SW aquariums but not the aquarium hobby. I have a 125g reef tank and started it on April 3rd of this year and fell in love with it. I have 150 lbs of sand (aragonite) 75 lbs of live rock 4 montipora...
  10. Pieces of the Ocean

    New WYSIWYG items on our site

  11. shadow1013

    Orlando - Fish and Corals

    We are moving and need to part out our Red Sea Reefer 450 or sell together. First we need to sell our coral and fish then we are going to part out the equipment. This posting is constantly going to be updated to report what is still available. If you see it listed it's still up for grabs. We...
  12. LB Dantzler

    Princess Parrotfish

    Looking for some advice on our newly purchased princess parrotfish, or at least that's what they sold it as, could be a quoyi but I can't tell the difference. We have a 55 gallon tank with live rock and fake coral. In the tank now, we have a pair of clowns, a blue spotted puffer, and a pair of...
  13. J

    How do you handle a bully in the tank?

    I had an issue today introducing some new fish and need advice on how I can proceed. I have a 5 ft mixed reef tank that I setup in the fall. I have 4 Tangs of differing species and the biggest fish in the tank is also my favorite one. It's a powder blue tang named Mully after Warriors great...
  14. Sarah007

    I think this is Ick

    My McCosker just had they white dots/bumps show up on him. I think this is Ick but wanted a second opinion. If it is, what should we do. We do not have a quarantine tank. I couldn't get a good shot of it, but they are especially bad on tail fin.
  15. badstorm48

    keeping leopard wrasse

    I was just wondering about keeping these types of wrasse. I really like them and feel they would be a great addition to my tank. Just looking at advice at keeping these types of wrasse. At my lfs they don't get them in. He told me they are very hard to keep, but at the time I wasn't looking at...
  16. TangsRLife

    QT & getting new fish

    So I'm finally settled down after my ick quarantine and losing half of my fish stock and my favorite lieutenant tang (I called him lieutenant Dan) and I'm come to the conclusion that all new fish must be quarantined. First, I want to add some fish to my tank. I currently have left are an...
  17. Sarah007

    SHRIMPOCALYPSE! Help Water Testing. Mean Clownfish.

    Hello Reefers, So within a couple days I've had all my shrimp (4 year old pistol shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp) die. I've also had 9 out of 10 hermit crabs die off. The shrimp and the crabs seem to turn over on their backs and then slowly kick around and die over the course of a couple days...
  18. Slyler

    120 Gal Stocking Questions

    Hi Everyone, I have a few questions that I would like to hear some advice on please. To give some background information I currently I have a 72 gal bowfront, it has a HOB skimmer, and a Fluval 405 filter with Carbon. the tank has been running for 2 years now, and everything is going great...
  19. cwb_reeftank

    possible stocking list

    I have a 55 gallon tank and in it now I have a yellowtail damsel, a chrub angel, and a melanurus wrasse. my tank looks pretty empty right now but I have been looking at several different fish that would do good in my tank Fish list: Fathead Anthias (maybe 2) Yasha Goby Pinkbar Goby McCosker's...
  20. All About Reef Safe Wrasses in Aquaria

    All About Reef Safe Wrasses in Aquaria

    Introduction My name is Hunter and I am a wrasse addict. Admitting such is the first step to buying another wrasse, I think. Wrasses are not only my passion, but my niche in this hobby since 2010. My tank is full of them, and unfortunately “regular” species are no longer exciting enough for...
  21. The Acclimation Box: Can This Thing Really Work?

    The Acclimation Box: Can This Thing Really Work?

    Elite Aquatic’s Acclimation Box Acclimation boxes are an essential tool for adding new fish to an existing tank, but a tool which is often overlooked or disregarded. I was once a skeptic myself, and I have a feeling many reading this are far from convinced. After all, how could this little...
  22. Super Star Of The Reef: The Blue Star Leopard Wrasse–Macropharyngodon bipartitus

    Super Star Of The Reef: The Blue Star Leopard Wrasse–Macropharyngodon bipartitus

    Male and female Macropharyngodon bipartitus in the author’s aquarium. The Blue Star Leopard Wrasse, also referred to as the Divided Wrasse, Vermiculite Wrasse (as well as a few other common names) is one of thirteen species of leopard wrasse in the Macropharyngodon genus. As with most leopard...
  23. Cirrhilabrus Complexes: Inferiority Need Not Apply

    Cirrhilabrus Complexes: Inferiority Need Not Apply

    This article is obsolete. It has been replaced by the 1st revision. Cirrhilabrus, the “Fairy Wrasses”, are one of the most elegant, active, and colorful reef fish. Their appeal in a reef tank is common to many, but not all have a well-rounded understanding of the compatibility amongst them...