I’m guessing it’s more like a marsh or my home on the Peace River. The farther up the river you go it becomes almost all freshwater and will get smelly because of less tidal flow. Mangroves are trees and in freshwater grow surprisingly quickly and will outgrow pots. With such a large pot, deep dirt, and stagnant water, I expected some sulfur smell, but it’s minimal. The betta is more for fun and he is doing well. The soil should provide all the nutrient needs of the mangroves. Those are mangroves in my backyard on the Peace River.Know next to nothing on terrestrial plants but have never smelled sulfur using them as filtration in both fresh and salt (macroalgae). Wife and mother in law keep plants. I stay away from them. The plants. Not wife and mother
I know you said they grow faster on dirt but is the Betta there because it's secondary to goal such as source of nitrogen? Just curious.