Was looking for some help assessing my clown…. have only been in the hobby for a year and am still learning so apologies if I’m getting worried over nothing.
One of my two clowns is opening and closing its mouth rapidly, and did not eat this evening. All other inhabitants seem to be behaving normally. I’ve included parameters below (note the high nitrates, which recently spiked after introducing more nutrients to combat Cyano, and which I am currently working to normalize). Happy to provide additional context if needed.
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 50
pH - 8.2
Using Red Sea
One of my two clowns is opening and closing its mouth rapidly, and did not eat this evening. All other inhabitants seem to be behaving normally. I’ve included parameters below (note the high nitrates, which recently spiked after introducing more nutrients to combat Cyano, and which I am currently working to normalize). Happy to provide additional context if needed.
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 50
pH - 8.2
Using Red Sea