Coral Cover-up: How much of your aquascape is showing?
Many reef keepers spend a lot of time and effort building an amazing aquascape only to have most of it covered in corals or having macro algae covering much of the aquascape as the tank matures. There is always the question about aquascaping for what it looks like now versus aquascaping for what we hope the tank to look like in the future. Sometimes the aquascape is completely covered and other times (intentionally or otherwise) much of the aquascape is showing. In the case of a fish-only-with-live-rock (FOWLR) tank most, if not all, of the aquascape with always be exposed. For your current tank, how much of your aquascape is showing? Please let us know in the related discussion thread if your plan is to cover none, some, or all your aquascape eventually. Additionally, feel free to share any tips for designing the aquascape for future growth and coverage.
Photo by @muggle0981
This QOTD is sponsored by:
“The goal of Tidal Gardens is to offer the highest quality corals to those seeking a piece of that world without destroying it. We hope to instill a deep appreciation for the natural reefs and help develop a self sustaining hobby that no longer requires the collection of fish and corals.”
Many reef keepers spend a lot of time and effort building an amazing aquascape only to have most of it covered in corals or having macro algae covering much of the aquascape as the tank matures. There is always the question about aquascaping for what it looks like now versus aquascaping for what we hope the tank to look like in the future. Sometimes the aquascape is completely covered and other times (intentionally or otherwise) much of the aquascape is showing. In the case of a fish-only-with-live-rock (FOWLR) tank most, if not all, of the aquascape with always be exposed. For your current tank, how much of your aquascape is showing? Please let us know in the related discussion thread if your plan is to cover none, some, or all your aquascape eventually. Additionally, feel free to share any tips for designing the aquascape for future growth and coverage.
Photo by @muggle0981
This QOTD is sponsored by:
“The goal of Tidal Gardens is to offer the highest quality corals to those seeking a piece of that world without destroying it. We hope to instill a deep appreciation for the natural reefs and help develop a self sustaining hobby that no longer requires the collection of fish and corals.”