Again, I expect crushed coral media in such a reactor will not accomplish much. If you try to make the whole reactor anoxic it will be extraordinarily tricky to keep it from becoming anaerobic and producing hydrogen sulfide. Special media with interior anoxic regions rarely solve elevated nitrate problems.
As long as you have around 2 mg/L NO3 in the outlet - you will have a low production of hydrogen sulfide. My experiences is also that even if the effluent is lower than 2 mg/L NO3 - the hydrogen sulphide production is low and will be fast oxidized in the aquarium water. Could be a good idea if the outlet of the reactor is situated near the skimmer intake - in that case you do not need to worry about hydrogen sulphide.
There’s not enough organic around.
True - therefore you need to have a little overspill of labile DOC to maintain the denitrification process. IME the amount of overspill will be the mechanism you use in order to control the denitrification process.
I measure my NO3 once a week and adjust the dosing regime with these result as guiding tools.
Sincerely Lasse