So I cannot seem to get my daily dosing of calcium, alkaline, and magnesium right and it is causing me to lose Corals… I’m not sure what’s going on. Here’s what I got. My doser is calibrated. My tank is approximately 255 gallons of water. I have all Hannah checkers with no expired parts . I am currently dosing all bulk reef supply. two part and their magnesium. With the recommended mix of 5 1/2 cups to one and 1/4 cups. I’ve been trying to chase down my magnesium every time I check I get a different value. As I believe it’s recommended to get your magnesium correct first. Mag lvl 1500+ cal I checked it yesterday. It was 410 the day before it was 421. As for the bulk reef supply calculator. It’s telling me I need 278 ML’s to get it from 410to 421. So I added 278 ML’s of two part calcium. Tested hours later I was at 439 ppm. Alkalinity is around 10 it stays pretty consistent. I Dose 44 ML’s of alkalinity daily. 15 mls of calcium and 11 mls of mag. I think the only thing keeping me going right now are water changes.. send all the help!!!