Noticed this morning the flame angel has two white marks on its upper fins. These do not appear to be sand stuck to the body of fish. Haven't noticed any hostility towards the flame, although he chases the anthias. Only thing concerning noticed from flame is "stringy poop" which I only observed once. The majority of diet is PE mysis fed twice daily. It is eating and breathing normally. The flame angel has been in the display tank 10 days, and underwent the full current QT protocol.
On Monday, my carpenter wrasse went missing. Assuming hiding, but had been active until now.
Nitrates are extremely high, as I was dosing based off of inaccurate NP trident readings. I am trying to bring those down, just completed 20 gallon water change last night (system volume ~150G).
Poop String
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Appreciate any insights.
On Monday, my carpenter wrasse went missing. Assuming hiding, but had been active until now.
Nitrates are extremely high, as I was dosing based off of inaccurate NP trident readings. I am trying to bring those down, just completed 20 gallon water change last night (system volume ~150G).
Poop String
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Appreciate any insights.