For a while now I’ve been dealing with this issue. I used flux rx, killed it off for a bit, and started to come back, LFS recommended one additional dose since it can be hard to get, so I did and it’s growing back. As of last test, parameters are as follows
Temp 78
SG 1.025
Cal 480
Alk 12
Mag 1500
Nitrate 20
pH 8.1
They recommended trying Chemi blue and a product to remove nitrate and phosphate from the water, aquaforest? However the same employee also said the rocks could be holding phosphate and release it. If that’s the case, is the only recourse to buy all new rock? I know sea hares wlll eat it, but I’d rather not add something else to the bioload. All coral are sps, many acros and really doing well
Temp 78
SG 1.025
Cal 480
Alk 12
Mag 1500
Nitrate 20
pH 8.1
They recommended trying Chemi blue and a product to remove nitrate and phosphate from the water, aquaforest? However the same employee also said the rocks could be holding phosphate and release it. If that’s the case, is the only recourse to buy all new rock? I know sea hares wlll eat it, but I’d rather not add something else to the bioload. All coral are sps, many acros and really doing well