Hey guys so recently my tank has not been looking that great. Some corals are just like whatever they are alive, but not really thriving ! I’m currently dosing Red Sea 3 part but have been thinking of switching to “all for reef” dosing instead! Most of the time when I talk to other reefers I ask to see their tanks and I ask what they are dosing more than half the time the most vibrant and best looking tanks are being dosed with “all for reef” . Recently a buddy of mine got into reefing and I gave him the whole basic rundown once he was ready for coral I told him that I would like for him to dose “all do reef “ to prove my theory and behold his corals look great and are thriving ! Of course there could be many other factors that come into play but my best guess is that ! My parameters are pretty stable month to month , flow is great, no algae, fish are good , CUC is good it’s just my corals seems to be looking like ehhhh ! Anyway here’s a pic of my parameters and my tank. I will also drop a pic of my buddies tanks you will be able to tell whose tank belongs to who right away lol don’t matter I helped him set it up and guide him on it that tank is my work too lol ! So what do you guys think is it a risk if I switch to “all for reef “ and should I even try this ? Could this be the game changer ? Or should I look into other factors ?