At the moment I’m setting up a 250gal tank and I had bought it from someone else, so I decided to reseal it, I used gorilla Mac strength construction adhesive thinking it was silicone safe for aquariums. I also used it to aquascape and glue rocks, right now the tank is completely empty and filling with Rodi water. But the thing is, I have a nano tank, which had two gobies and two nano clownfish, I recently introduced a tiny hippo tang and a tiny horseshoe crab, which did fine for the first night, following day I fragged a piece of my GSP and used that glue, now this morning both of my nano clowns and hippo tang are dead, with the gobbies acting funny, all my parameters are normal, I did feed them more than usual but I don’t believe there was an ammonia spike during the night. All my inverts seem to be doing good. Guys please help